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Benefits Of The 18 Tonic Herbs

Here are some of the beneficial ingredients utilized in Helena Whole Body Anti-Aging Skin Rejuvenator and the scientific reasons why they are good for your skin.


Alfalfa is, of course, one of the best sources of chlorophyll available. Chlorophyll extracts from plants have been shown to stimulate the growth of new skin tissue in wounds. Source: Herbal Tonic Therapies, Daniel B. Mowrey. Past topical uses of this herb include its use as a bath herb, facial steam, and hair rinse. Also, Alfalfa has been used as a poultice on wounds.


The essential oil of angelica is used in perfumes, soaps, salves, oils, shampoos. The plant has been used as a remedy for...skin rashes, wounds. Used in treatment...against psoriasis. The external uses of the European herb include poultices for rheumatic pain, neuralgia, pleurisy.


The essential oil and oleoresin of celery seed are used as a flavoring or fragrance in liqueurs, perfumes, and cosmetics, such as soaps, creams, and lotions. Celery is used externally to combat fungal infections and to battle tumors.


Dandelion tea has been used against...eczema and other skin diseases. Common dandelion and other Taraxacum species have also been used against warts. External use:

  • Chronic joint and skin complaints including acne, eczema, psoriasis. It is used in facial steam, as well as face packs.
  • Folklore recommends dandelion poultices for snakebite.


Folk uses included topical application on skin tumors.


The essential oils are used as agents in...perfumes, and cosmetics. Skin and mucous membrane inflammations, as well as bacterial skin diseases, including those of the oral cavity and gums. Inflammations and irritations of the respiratory tract (inhalations). Ano-genital inflammation (baths and irrigation). Topically, it has been used to reduce inflammation and soothe aches, and to heal cuts, sores, and bruises. Good for oily and dry skin and acne. External use:

  • Antibiotic and anti-inflammatory activity is exhibited when used topically.
  • Chamomile is used in facial steams to reduce puffiness and cleanse the pores of the skin.
  • Used by herbalists to treat wounds, sunburn, burns, hemorrhoids, mastitis, and leg ulcers.


  • Used externally for skin infections, eczema, herpes and leg ulcers.
  • The antiseptic and seborrheic properties of hops are of great use in shampoos for greasy hair and in dandruff treatments in conjunction with other vegetable extracts.
  • It can also be incorporated into bath gels because of the action as stimulants of the cutaneous metabolism and it has recently been included in the group of products which enhance hair growth.
  • This cosmetic property has been proved in vitro through the inhibition of I-reductase, in which the striking activity of enhancing the growth of the scalp was observed. This effect has also been seen in vivo with volunteers.


As a medicinal plant, horehound has traditionally been used against...skin irritations. Used externally for minor abrasions and skin inflammations.


Of all the silicon-containing foods presently known and being studied, horsetail is by far the best. Silicon occurs in this plant in probably the most soluble and bioactive form found in nature. Source: Herbal Tonic Therapies, Daniel B. Mowrey

Externally, both the American Indians and the Chinese use horsetail to stop bleeding and accelerate the healing of wounds and broken bones. The effectiveness of horsetail in external applications is related to the solubility of silica in the fluids of wounds or in the poultice materials, and its absorption directly into the blood and cells at the site of the wound. Source: Herbal Tonic Therapies, Daniel B. Mowrey

Horsetail helps mend injured connective tissue, skin and bones. Research in Europe has shown that horsetail stops bleeding and helps build up the blood. It also possesses good antibiotic action. Source: Herbal Tonic Therapies, Daniel B. Mowrey

Supportive treatment for poorly healing wounds. External use:

  • Horsetail is used externally to boost the skin and nails and also helps with hemorrhage.
  • A compress made from this herb is also useful in treating wounds.
  • Horsetail has traditionally been used as a diuretic, haemostatic and remineralizer.
  • At first it was believed that the diuretic activity was caused by the inorganic elements of the plant (silicon), but today it seems to have been demonstrated that the action is caused by the flavonoids and saponins.
  • It has a considerable haemostatic and cicatrizing action and has therefore been used traditionally to treat certain hemorrhages.
  • Its rematerializing action must also be stressed, this is caused by the silicon content.
  • In cosmetics, Horsetail is used as an epithelial regenerator, due to the presence of saponins and flavonoids in its composition.
  • These components act to cicatrize and epithelize the skin, and silicon has also been attributed with a stabilizing action on the conjunctive tissue working through epithelial regeneration to strengthen this tissue.

The amazing anti-inflammatory actions of licorice root extend to the entire surface area of the body, both outside and inside. Not only the skin, but also the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract yield to the soothing and healing action of licorice root. Source: Herbal Tonic Therapies, Daniel B. Mowrey

GLA [glycyrrhetinic acid, a derivative of licorice root] has often been compared to hydrocortisone for its anti-inflammatory action in various skin problems. Other conditions could be listed for which licorice root has been an effective topical treatment, including atopic, subacute, and chronic eczematous conditions, itching dermatoses, pruritus, acute impetigo; infantile eczema and eczema; seborrheic, infective, sensitization, contact, neuro-, and exfoliative dermatitis; pustular psoriasis; impetigo; and lichen simplex. Source: Herbal Tonic Therapies, Daniel B. Mowrey

It is used externally for eczema, herpes and shingles and the anti-inflammatory effect of this herb is most useful for treating pruritus, piles, sunburn, as well as insect bites.

mallow common

The esteemed German physician and herbal authority, Rudolf Weiss, MD, mentions [Mallow Common] use topically for mild cases of eczema.
Source: Herbal Tonic Therapies, Daniel B. Mowrey


Stimulates and strengthens the skin, hair, circulatory and nervous systems of the body. Helps relieve itchy dry skin, nervous skin conditions and mild sunburns.

passion flower

Topically is has been used in Europe and America on burns and in compresses and has a marked effect against inflammations, especially hemorrhoids.
Source: Herbal Tonic Therapies, Daniel B. Mowrey


It is also an effective ingredient in many topical and massage products. Used topically, peppermint oil can be both relaxing and stimulating by increasing the blood flow to that area. It also acts as an analgesic and counter-irritant. Good for congested/dull skin. Externally it is used to ease bronchial and upper respiratory tract infections, sinusitis, itching skin, burns, ringworm, neuralgia, rheumatism and to ward off insects.


Quassia also kills lice, fleas, scabies, and other skin parasites.


Many shamans and medicine men in the Amazon use sarsaparilla root internally and externally for leprosy and other skin problems (such as psoriasis and dermatitis.)

saw palmetto

Saw Palmetto is traditionally used as a topical treatment to help improve skin and scalp conditions, maintain healthy skin and hair, combat hair loss. It was used by American Indians as hair, scalp and skin care. It is said to revitalize mature skin, to bring olive shine to the skin, to help revive hair follicles, improve hair strength, body and shine, make scalp less sensitive to stress and irritation. Scientific research confirm that majority of Saw Palmetto bioactive ingredients are of lipophilic nature, and therefore are extracted into the oil and well assimilated by the skin. These observations suggest that when applied topically, Saw Palmetto may be more bioavailable and therefore more effective treatment for particular body areas and organs. Saw Palmetto oil extract is assimilated by skin and provides nutrients for penetration into deeper body areas.


The oil is also used in the manufacture of perfumes and cosmetics. The essential oil is used in aromatherapy to boost the mind, spirit, and body. Good for oily skin/acne.External use:

  • Thyme can be used externally for tonsillitis, gum disease, rheumatism, arthritis and fungal infections.
  • It is often used to invigorate and stimulate hair growth. It is used as a tonic for hair and to help treat dandruff and hair loss.

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Disclaimer: JC TONIC® is a dietary supplement not a drug. Therefore, it is useful in effecting the structure and/or function of your body in various ways. However, it is not intended to and will not cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. Success Stories like those presented reflect truthful and actual experiences of individuals who have consumed JC TONIC® and have chosen to express their opinion regarding its personal use and the positive results they have achieved. Their point of view however may not be all encompassing and does not constitute scientific evidence that JC TONIC® will cause similar results in others including yourself nor are these statements representative of individual results you may anticipate. Jurak World Wide does not make any such drug or treatment claims for its products.

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