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JC Tonic®
Why It Works
What It Is - What It Does
10 Essential Properties
Bidirectional Herb
Healing Crisis
Whole Body Tonic for All Ages
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JC Tonic®
Q & A
How do I consume JC Tonic®?
Shake the bottle well in order to blend the herb deposits sitting at the bottom of the bottle. Once you have shaken the bottle, pour into your glass or mix with your favorite beverage.
How much JC Tonic® should I consume each day?
We suggest beginning with one (1) ounce per day (a capful is about one ounce).


If you have a severe medical condition, are using medication of any kind, are weak, or are an older individual or more fragile than most, we suggest you begin by consuming one-half (½) or even one-quarter (¼) of an ounce the very first time so that your body can get used to JC Tonic® without having any discomfort.

Please also listen to this Healing Crisis overview by Dr. Bruce Fife.

When (what time of day) should I consume JC Tonic®?
Everyone's body is functioning at a different rhythm. Simply listen to your body and let it tell you when it's the best time for you to consume JC Tonic®. It is really great to take on a full stomach!
Is JC Tonic® safe for both adults and children to consume?
Yes, JC Tonic® is safe for everyone to consume -- even your pets.
Can I consume JC Tonic® even if I am on medication?
Yes. However, as mentioned before, your consumption of JC Tonic® should begin slowly. Let your body tell you what works best for you. JC Tonic® does not interfere with any medication and the usually strong actions of medications do not nullify the gentle action of JC Tonic® We recommend taking JC Tonic® 2 hours apart from any medication.
Can I consume JC Tonic® while taking other herbs?
According to Dr. Daniel Mowrey, author of Herbal Tonic Therapies, singular herbs (non-tonic herbs) can cancel out the good effects of a tonic herb. Therefore, in order to receive the health-giving benefits supplied by JC Tonic® you should cease your consumption of all non-tonic herbs.
Does JC Tonic® have to be refrigerated?
No. However, some people prefer to do so as they find the taste may be enhanced with refrigeration.
What results could I expect when I first consume JC Tonic®?
Increased Energy and a general feeling of well-being.
JC Tonic® – The Youth Solution®
JC Tonic® Means Good Blood
JC Tonic® Means Good Health
What Is A Tonic Herb?
A Whole Body Tonic
Super Herbs
What It Is - What It Does
What's In It?
Q & A
Helena® – The Skin Rejuvenator
Disclaimer: JC TONIC® is a dietary supplement not a drug. Therefore, it is useful in effecting the structure and/or function of your body in various ways. However, it is not intended to and will not cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. Success Stories like those presented reflect truthful and actual experiences of individuals who have consumed JC TONIC® and have chosen to express their opinion regarding its personal use and the positive results they have achieved. Their point of view however may not be all encompassing and does not constitute scientific evidence that JC TONIC® will cause similar results in others including yourself nor are these statements representative of individual results you may anticipate. Jurak World Wide does not make any such drug or treatment claims for its products.

The entire contents of this Website are subject to copyright protection. The content available on this Website is the property of Jurak World Wide Inc and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property law in the United States of America and by international copyright laws.