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Disclaimer: JC TONIC® is a dietary supplement not a drug. Therefore, it is useful in effecting the structure and/or function of your body in various ways. However, it is not intended to and will not cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. Success Stories like those presented reflect truthful and actual experiences of individuals who have consumed JC TONIC® and have chosen to express their opinion regarding its personal use and the positive results they have achieved. Their point of view however may not be all encompassing and does not constitute scientific evidence that JC TONIC® will cause similar results in others including yourself nor are these statements representative of individual results you may anticipate. Jurak World Wide does not make any such drug or treatment claims for its products.
Nina, Canada
Since taking JC Tonic® my breathing is so much better, my joints no longer ache and pain, my panic attacks are gone and my migraine headaches are gone. In December, I developed a lump behind my left ear lobe. I had to wait until September to get it removed. While I was waiting, I took 4 ounces of JC Tonic® daily. After it was out, I was told there was no cancer. I was over the moon. I feel so much better, have so much more energy, and think so much more clearly.
Thank you Anthony for JC Tonic® and thank you Helen Murphy for being such a loving sister and getting me started on JC Tonic®.
Corazon, Colorado
On the second or third day of drinking JC Tonic®, I realized for the first time that I have been a nervous person. JC Tonic® is the ONLY PRODUCT that I experience calmness with.
I do not tremble inside and I do not fall asleep while reading or writing. Last month, a beauty school teacher, who has been working on my hair for years, told me that I hardly have gray hair on the back of my head and the small hairs growing around my forehead is dark.
A diabetic friend told me that he used to often wake up at night and had difficulty sleeping. He told me the best product for sleep is JC Tonic®, because it helps him sleep soundly. I gave a sluggish, 18-year-old, cosmetology student the tonic. A few minutes later, I watched her, as she could not sit still, swirling around in the chair. She told me that she was feeling good and had lots of energy. A couple in their mid 40's asked me for samples of JC Tonic®, because the husband was very nervous. In less than one minute after they took the tonic, they could feel a difference. Thank you!
Bonnie, Wisconsin
JC Tonic® has done many things for me. I had always had a problem with constipation as well as swelling in my ankles and legs. Both of these conditions have disappeared. Every winter I would have small nosebleeds almost everyday and now I seldom have this problem. My digestion is better than it used to be. I used to get up once or twice during the night. Many times, I would wake up and not be able to get back to sleep for hours, but now I usually sleep through the night.
Before drinking JC Tonic®, I was going through a very bad period of anxiety and fear. I would get panicky over things like driving in a car, being in an elevator or a tiny bathroom, and I would not sleep in the dark. I tried many different things for this including reflexology, which helped some, but after drinking JC Tonic®, I feel about 90% improved. I still do not care too much for small closed in places, but I do not panic. I do not mind the dark and I am driving myself now. Last winter I would get so tired and exhausted that I could not stay up past 7:30 or 8:00 p.m., but now I can stay up until 10:30 or 11:00.
I am thankful to Anthony Carl Jurak for making this wonderful product available to the people of America, for all the friends I have made, and for all the things I have learned from listening to the weekly conference calls.
Mary, Wisconsin
I have been on JC Tonic® for about 4 weeks now. I started with a quarter of an ounce twice a day for the first three days. I noticed right away a little bit more energy and clear headedness. Then I increased to half an ounce and then to one full ounce.
I have been taking medication for about 18 years. It causes side-effects such as restlessness, jitters and anxiety. When I get stressed I get them even more.
With JC Tonic®, I noticed that I was able to work. I work at home and I do a lot of typing. My salary is based on how much I do. Now, I have increased my speed and I am not feeling the side-effects of the drug I was taking.
I have a chemical imbalance, which may cause me to be on medication for many years, but JC Tonic® has improved the side-effects that I have experienced. Maybe someday I will be able to get off the drug I am taking for the side-effects.
Susie, Colorado
Hi, my name is Susie. My son Steven was a very happy baby until he went to sleep; that's when his problems started. He would gasp for air and sometimes he even stopped breathing. He would snore and was a very fitful sleeper. Having a newborn is hard; having a sick newborn is exhausting. I would try any natural method to help Steven, and I would tell anyone who would listen of Steven's sleeping disorder. All the stress and sleepless nights had an adverse affect on me, although I didn't notice it because I was too busy taking care of a sick baby. But when the panic attacks started and my depression got worse, I knew I needed help. At the time, I was only giving Steven ½ ounce of JC Tonic® so I started taking the other half.
To make a long story short, I did get over my panic attacks and depression. Now I sleep better and don't need a nap during the day anymore because I have energy that lasts all day. Finding the Tonic helped my continuous search for a natural product to help Steven and myself get well. THANK YOU JC Tonic® and Jeanie for listening to my plea for help, and THANK YOU Anthony for providing the Whole Body Tonic.
Patty, Florida
I have been taking JC Tonic® for about a year. It was introduced to me by Ruthie Neal and Patrice Monigan. I suffered mostly from anxiety and was on medication, which caused me to gain a lot of weight. The medication was to try to keep my emotions under control. Because of the weight gain, I decided to go off of it and try to find something more natural. I have now been taking the tonic for a year and I have to say this definitely helped more than anything else that I have ever taken. It just gives me a calm, soothing effect, more energy and lot of confidence in myself. I have tried St. John's Wort and many other things. JC Tonic® is the only thing that has worked for me. I would highly recommend this product to anybody. You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain.
Loretta, Colorado
I am 47-years-old and was falling apart. I have been taking JC Tonic® for five months and I cannot believe how good I feel. The natural herbs have helped with my problems, so I no longer have hot flashes and anxiety attacks. We have always been health conscience, but nothing has ever made us feel so good. My husband, Robert, and I have never been so happy and healthy. Our energy levels have never been as high as they are now and we fall asleep faster and sleep much better. I have noticed a great improvement in my husband's attitude and his health. He is also seeing some hair starting to re-grow on his beautiful forehead. Thanks for everything Anthony and Roger.
Christine, Colorado
I have problems related to a complete nervous breakdown that I had back in the early 90's. During that time, I started developing all kinds of problems related to the nervous system. Everything from depression, panic attacks and anxiety attacks. I had severe sciatic nerve pain. I knew eventually I was going to have to have surgery.
In those last eleven years, I had a time period that I had gone through the orthodox route of medication and nothing worked. The pain had become so severe that eventually I developed fibromyalgia. I don't know which is worse, experiencing a nervous break down or having chronic pain that is so severe there is absolutely no sleep. After dealing with this over a period of time, I sought alternative treatment through a homeopathic practitioner. It helped to some degree, but the problem kept reoccurring and whenever I would go back they would treat one system at a time. I always had to go back and repeat the treatment and it just wasn't going away. When the fibromyalgia hit about 2 years ago, I had finally reached my limit of pain tolerance. I developed suicidal tendencies. I no longer wanted to live. Then I met a friend who asked me if I had tried JC Tonic®. She said she knew several people who had wonderful experiences with JC Tonic®.
I called Lenny Atencio and we spent a couple hours on the phone. His experience so moved my heart. I purchased two boxes of JC Tonic® and began taking it. My husband began taking it too and he had immediate results. He had instant energy. For me, it took about ten days. Within ten days, without even noticing what was happening, things were changing in my body. I remember one morning waking up and I started moving my arms around. I thought, "Where is the fibromyalgia? It's gone!!" Then I noticed that the sciatic nerve pain started to dissipate and the depression started going away. I had a feeling of well being that I had not had in many years.
I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing on the market as remarkable as JC Tonic® because I have tried everything else. This works on not only one part of the body, but on all the systems of the body. Anthony, thank you, thank you, thank you!
Janice, Canada
My father introduced me to herbal supplements in 1988. I suffer from mild anxiety attacks and bouts of depression. In 1996, because I felt healthy and was also broke, I stopped taking the herbal supplement. I stayed relatively healthy for about eighteen months.
I had been told that when you turn 40 years old your body starts to fall apart. Skeptical, I laughed. In June of 2000, at 43, both of my knees became sore and swollen - it hurt to walk and stand; kneeling or squatting was impossible. It felt like someone was shoving knives into my knees when I put the slightest pressure on them. Life was no longer fun. I asked my father for some of the herbal supplement I used to take. He referred me to a better product - Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic.
By the time started taking JC Tonic® my list of ailments also included a nagging, persistent cough. I was a classic case of an immune system in trouble. What would go wrong next? One month later most of the pain in my knees was gone and the swelling reduced. Three months later I suddenly realized I was squatting - all of the swelling and pain was gone!
I began taking JC Tonic® because of the pain in my knees, but then I began to notice other improvements as well. I had more energy. I was no longer taking a nap during my lunch hour, or crashing on the couch after work. Instead I was cleaning house (the very last thing on my to do list), volunteering for kitchen duty at the skating rink, and generally enjoying life again. The dark circles under my eyes disappeared; I no longer craved chocolate (I still enjoy chocolate but I no longer prowl the house looking for it); I sleep better; I make fewer trips to the bathroom at night; and I no longer suffer with constipation. Eventually, even my hairdresser commented that my hair was softer and more manageable.
I had another major boost in energy and started doing things that I had been putting off for 12 years. And yet life continued to get better. I wasn't suffering anxiety attacks any more. Even more unexpected (and welcome), my mild depression was staying away.
Now I am handling stress better; my skin is softer; my body is toning up; my blood pressure is stable; and I haven't had a cold or flu in 1½ years. Life is good again!
Many of the changes that I have experienced are small, little things, and taken separately are not very note worthy. But add them all together and it shows that my immune system is improving and my body is starting to heal itself. It would be so interesting if one could see what was going on inside our bodies - we would probably be a lot kinder to ourselves if we could.
I might have begun taking JC Tonic® because of my knees, but there have been so many other improvements in my health. My body doesn't lie to me - JC Tonic® works. Find out for yourself.
We continue to receive success stories as more and more people try JC Tonic®.
Try it for yourself and see the difference it will make in your life.


JC Tonic® 

Back Pain
Blood Pressure
Blood Sugar
Body Aches
Digestive System
Female Health
Hot Flashes
Immune System
Joint Systems
Mental Health
Nervous System
Night Sweats
Respiratory System
Urinary System
Water Retention
Weight Management
Well Being