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Bidirectional Herb
Healing Crisis
Whole Body Tonic for All Ages
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Blood Pressure
Disclaimer: JC TONIC® is a dietary supplement not a drug. Therefore, it is useful in effecting the structure and/or function of your body in various ways. However, it is not intended to and will not cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. Success Stories like those presented reflect truthful and actual experiences of individuals who have consumed JC TONIC® and have chosen to express their opinion regarding its personal use and the positive results they have achieved. Their point of view however may not be all encompassing and does not constitute scientific evidence that JC TONIC® will cause similar results in others including yourself nor are these statements representative of individual results you may anticipate. Jurak World Wide does not make any such drug or treatment claims for its products.
Linda, Ohio

I have been on JC Tonic® for over 3 months. I am 57-years-old and felt like in a few months I wouldn't be around. A dear friend of mine persistently shared information about JC Tonic® with me over the telephone and kept being persistent. Thank God for a friend like her!

I am overweight, have been on blood pressure medicine for over 7 years, and I have a condition where blood breaks open in little specks on your legs. The doctor felt it wasn't anything to worry about, but I felt something was very wrong.

Now, 3 months later, I am off my medication and have lost over 20 pounds. I feel wonderful and because of my abundance of energy my husband takes JC Tonic® faithfully.
Shirley, Canada

I have been on the Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic for five months and am pleased with the results. My circulation has improved and my hands are warm. I have good blood pressure and I do not have to take any pills. The hoarseness in my throat is gradually disappearing. My legs used to bother me when walking, but now I walk six to eight blocks a day. I still have some discomfort, but not like it was.
Audrey Juliet, South Carolina

I started taking JC Tonic® and that is when my life changed. A friend of mine asked me if there was something available that could possibly help me feel better, would I try it. Well, of course I would. When I took the box home I knew my husband was going to ask how much it cost so I took a magic marker to black out the price, since we really didn't have the money for this tonic or anything else. You see, I am disabled and he is buying all of my medication each month, which runs somewhere between $700-$800 a month. A total of 17 pills a day.

Prior to taking JC Tonic®, I was in the hospital for complications due to ulcerated colitis. I had surgery but was in pain almost every day. My doctor tried many different types of medication and finally was able to have success with one. I was one sick person but can honestly say that I had two wonderful doctors.

Three days on JC Tonic® and I was able to sleep better, and had no more pain in my joints or stomach. My blood pressure is average, 120/79, and my mood & outlook changed for the better. As of today I am not on any prescription drugs at all and have lost 32 pounds. I cut out all junk food and sugar and I am able to exercise. All I take is one ounce of Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic. JC Tonic® seems to be able to help my body take care of business and keep these monsters at bay.

All I want to do today is live! Thank you Almighty God and Anthony Carl Jurak.
Sal, Texas

My gray hair is now black and growing. After five years, my high blood pressure is down from between 160-100 to between 140-80 points, which is normal. My sinus problems, headaches, and back pains are gone and also my age spots, or liver spots, are lighter.
Keith, Florida

I have been taking JC Tonic® for over three years and the reason I started taking it was because my primary doctor said that my blood pressure was high. My family suffers from high blood pressure and diabetes and I really did not want to be taking a lot of medication. I knew there had to be something else I could take. Friends of mine, John and Irene Lewis, as well as Ruthie Neal introduced me to JC Tonic®. I thought, "Well, it is worth a try before I resort to medication." Within two weeks of drinking the tonic, my pressure came down. I feel much better than I have ever felt before and so grateful for not taking medication. I recommend JC Tonic® to everyone.
Nancy & Jim, Wisconsin

I am 51 years old and have been taking JC Tonic® for 4 months. I have noticed an extremely heightened energy level. My thinking has become much more focused. My blood pressure is better now and I am sleeping much, much better. I have also lost inches all over my body. Due to my improved complexion, I look much younger and I have lost the dark circles under eyes.

I only take Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic and one vitamin-E capsule a day along with a morning meal replacement shake. I have noticed that my hot flashes have decreased, I sleep better and have increased energy. My husband, Jim, is also taking JC Tonic® but at a much slower pace due to his arthritic condition.

I really enjoyed sharing the tonic with people I meet everyday. It feels good to see people improve their health greatly. JC Tonic® is the best supplement I've ever been introduced to.
Helen, Florida

I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and was put on medication. I started taking the medication, but it was making me have more side effects than I was having with just the high blood pressure. I had blurred vision, my hair started falling out and I was having problems with my kidneys because of the diuretic that was in the medication. I started having lower back pain that was affecting my kidneys. I tried JC Tonic® and in about three weeks my hair, which was falling out by the handful, started thickening up. I weaned myself off the medication to see if it was the medication or the tonic. When I stopped the medication, all of my other symptoms went away. I had more energy than ever and when I went back to my doctor to be checked, she told me my blood pressure is great and that it is normal. I have even lost some weight because it is evening out my system. I am sold on JC Tonic®.
Barbara, Iowa

For 35 years, I had a large goiter and for 20 years I have had psoriasis. Also, ten years ago, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I could not move my arms above my head for 7 years. My triglycerides and cholesterol were out of whack. My triglyceride level was 480 and my cholesterol was 300. My blood pressure has been running 180 over 98.

I've been to several doctors and tried many remedies and nothing has helped me. I felt like an old dishrag, limp and worn out. I've been to one specialist after another. I also have been on a variety of medications, none of which worked.

For the past ten years, I was extremely depressed, bitter, angry, and felt like I was walking in a fog. I went to my chiropractor for pain management and it was there that I met Tiffany Bizios. She introduced me to JC Tonic®. She had much faith in this product, and I could see it in her eyes. At first, I was skeptical of something that could truly help me because, at this point in time, I had given up. It took me a couple of days of prayer before the Lord convinced me to take it. I could not believe the energy I felt after only taking one monodose. I did experience a slight headache, but it didn't discourage me since I hadn't felt this kind of energy in over ten years. Day by day, I have noticed a change. Before I could only sleep for an hour without pain, and now I can sleep up to seven restful hours.

After one week, I noticed my psoriasis had cleared up. After three weeks, I am now able to move my arms above my head, I am doing aerobics again, my triglycerides are 180, my cholesterol is 150, my blood pressure has leveled and is now 120 over 76, and I have also lost 15 pounds. To add to my excitement, I was in the bathroom fixing my hair, and I had on a loose fitting shirt; my husband of 24 years walked in to get something and said, "Barb, look at your neck, that goiter is starting to shrink!" I left the bathroom to go try on some turtlenecks that I could never wear comfortably. Now they fit loose and some of my necklaces fit now too. This was truly a miracle to me. I cleared out a quarter size mucus plug out of my sinuses the other day, and then my hearing improved also. I was not even aware of this problem. My skin is fresh and supple again, and my age spots are disappearing.

At this point, I was feeling so good I decided to share this wonderful product with my family and friends. So I joined the company and had a meeting at my home. I was anxious to show all my friends—who saw me suffer for so many years—the new me! Seventeen people came to the meeting, and their reaction was one of total amazement and disbelief. Almost everyone bought the tonic, and two of them registered with Jurak. Already, the product is helping most of them.

I feel good, and I look good! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, Tiffany Bizios, for caring enough about me to introduce me to JC Tonic®. I also want to thank Anthony Jurak for passing down his father's formula to continue helping people. Thank you for such a wonderful product, so I can enjoy my life again. Thanks so much!
Darlean, North Dakota

I started taking JC Tonic® in August of 1999. Before I started taking the tonic, I was overweight and used a wheelchair. I had legs that hurt and kidneys that did not work very well. Since I have been using JC Tonic®, my kidneys are working well, I am off of my oxygen and using very little of my inhalers. My health, in general, has improved greatly with JC Tonic® and I take two monodoses everyday. I am sleeping better and my blood pressure is now down to 130/90.
Don and Carolyn, South Carolina

WOW! After less than two months, my blood pressure is 130/70, the best it's ever been. I am sleeping much more soundly. My wife Carolyn is waking up much earlier and seems to have much clearer thinking. We are excited!
Laura, Arkansas

The tonic has led me to have strength in my legs, which would hurt at night causing me to lose sleep. JC Tonic® has relaxed my muscles and has given me the strength to build up my legs, my muscles, my arms and it helps my blood to flow better. Also, it has helped my hair thicken up and I sleep better at night. My sight is clearing and it has just been a blessing. I take thyroid medication, but JC Tonic® sure has helped it a lot, along with my blood pressure.

My husband, Eddie, had poor circulation. JC Tonic® has strengthened his legs and muscles quite well, and has pulled down a lot of swelling out of our legs and feet. Also, the tonic does not keep us up at night, so we sleep and rest better. It has just done many great things.

JC Tonic® has been a blessing. My daughter is taking it also and she is 33. I have two grandsons, nine and twelve, and they take it. We have nine in all and are all taking it. They love it! We are thankful for having a product like JC Tonic® and we thank Phil Harris for introducing it to us.
Janice, Canada

My father introduced me to herbal supplements in 1988. I suffer from mild anxiety attacks and bouts of depression. In 1996, because I felt healthy and was also broke, I stopped taking the herbal supplement. I stayed relatively healthy for about eighteen months.

I had been told that when you turn 40 years old your body starts to fall apart. Skeptical, I laughed. In June of 2000, at 43, both of my knees became sore and swollen - it hurt to walk and stand; kneeling or squatting was impossible. It felt like someone was shoving knives into my knees when I put the slightest pressure on them. Life was no longer fun. I asked my father for some of the herbal supplement I used to take. He referred me to a better product - Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic.

By the time started taking JC Tonic® my list of ailments also included a nagging, persistent cough. I was a classic case of an immune system in trouble. What would go wrong next? One month later most of the pain in my knees was gone and the swelling reduced. Three months later I suddenly realized I was squatting - all of the swelling and pain was gone!

I began taking JC Tonic® because of the pain in my knees, but then I began to notice other improvements as well. I had more energy. I was no longer taking a nap during my lunch hour, or crashing on the couch after work. Instead I was cleaning house (the very last thing on my to do list), volunteering for kitchen duty at the skating rink, and generally enjoying life again. The dark circles under my eyes disappeared; I no longer craved chocolate (I still enjoy chocolate but I no longer prowl the house looking for it); I sleep better; I make fewer trips to the bathroom at night; and I no longer suffer with constipation. Eventually, even my hairdresser commented that my hair was softer and more manageable.

I had another major boost in energy and started doing things that I had been putting off for 12 years. And yet life continued to get better. I wasn't suffering anxiety attacks any more. Even more unexpected (and welcome), my mild depression was staying away.

Now I am handling stress better; my skin is softer; my body is toning up; my blood pressure is stable; and I haven't had a cold or flu in 1½ years. Life is good again!

Many of the changes that I have experienced are small, little things, and taken separately are not very note worthy. But add them all together and it shows that my immune system is improving and my body is starting to heal itself. It would be so interesting if one could see what was going on inside our bodies - we would probably be a lot kinder to ourselves if we could.

I might have begun taking JC Tonic® because of my knees, but there have been so many other improvements in my health. My body doesn't lie to me - JC Tonic® works. Find out for yourself.
We continue to receive success stories as more and more people try JC Tonic®.

Try it for yourself and see the difference it will make in your life.



Back Pain
Blood Pressure
Blood Sugar
Body Aches
Digestive System
Female Health
Hot Flashes
Immune System
Joint Systems
Mental Health
Nervous System
Night Sweats
Respiratory System
Urinary System
Water Retention
Weight Management
Well Being
Disclaimer: JC TONIC® is a dietary supplement not a drug. Therefore, it is useful in effecting the structure and/or function of your body in various ways. However, it is not intended to and will not cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. Success Stories like those presented reflect truthful and actual experiences of individuals who have consumed JC TONIC® and have chosen to express their opinion regarding its personal use and the positive results they have achieved. Their point of view however may not be all encompassing and does not constitute scientific evidence that JC TONIC® will cause similar results in others including yourself nor are these statements representative of individual results you may anticipate. Jurak World Wide does not make any such drug or treatment claims for its products.

The entire contents of this Website are subject to copyright protection. The content available on this Website is the property of Jurak World Wide Inc and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property law in the United States of America and by international copyright laws.