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10 Essential Properties
Bidirectional Herb
Healing Crisis
Whole Body Tonic for All Ages
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Disclaimer: JC TONIC® is a dietary supplement not a drug. Therefore, it is useful in effecting the structure and/or function of your body in various ways. However, it is not intended to and will not cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. Success Stories like those presented reflect truthful and actual experiences of individuals who have consumed JC TONIC® and have chosen to express their opinion regarding its personal use and the positive results they have achieved. Their point of view however may not be all encompassing and does not constitute scientific evidence that JC TONIC® will cause similar results in others including yourself nor are these statements representative of individual results you may anticipate. Jurak World Wide does not make any such drug or treatment claims for its products.
Dave, Wisconsin

I don't have anymore acid reflux problems; the arthritis is gone; there is no more hurting in my shoulders and legs; the ringing in my ears has declined; I don't have constipation anymore; I sleep better; I don't wake up at night; and I get a better rest. My cholesterol went down.

I had a bad farm accident and was on Vicadin (a very strong pain pill). After my sixth surgery, Joseph O'Rourke said to take 2 oz of JC Tonic® a day when I came home from the hospital. I did and the pain was gone, and I never took another pain pill. I now have more sustained energy, but not hyper-energy. I can work and think more clearly. I just have an all-around better sense of well-being. All this energy creates a much more positive attitude the whole day long.

This is the most wonderful product and company that we have been a part of. We share the product with people everyday. We want to thank Anthony and Roger for sharing this with us, and Joseph O'Rourke for telling us about JC Tonic®. We are very proud to be a part of this company and are impacting world health.
David, Florida

I have a lot of energy. My cholesterol is normal and my prostate is fine. I am glad we found JC Tonic®. I am a healthy man again, and having lots of fun sharing JC Tonic®.
Barbara, Iowa

For 35 years, I had a large goiter and for 20 years I have had psoriasis. Also, ten years ago, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I could not move my arms above my head for 7 years. My triglycerides and cholesterol were out of whack. My triglyceride level was 480 and my cholesterol was 300. My blood pressure has been running 180 over 98.

I've been to several doctors and tried many remedies and nothing has helped me. I felt like an old dishrag, limp and worn out. I've been to one specialist after another. I also have been on a variety of medications, none of which worked.

For the past ten years, I was extremely depressed, bitter, angry, and felt like I was walking in a fog. I went to my chiropractor for pain management and it was there that I met Tiffany Bizios. She introduced me to JC Tonic®. She had much faith in this product, and I could see it in her eyes. At first, I was skeptical of something that could truly help me because, at this point in time, I had given up. It took me a couple of days of prayer before the Lord convinced me to take it. I could not believe the energy I felt after only taking one monodose. I did experience a slight headache, but it didn't discourage me since I hadn't felt this kind of energy in over ten years. Day by day, I have noticed a change. Before I could only sleep for an hour without pain, and now I can sleep up to seven restful hours.

After one week, I noticed my psoriasis had cleared up. After three weeks, I am now able to move my arms above my head, I am doing aerobics again, my triglycerides are 180, my cholesterol is 150, my blood pressure has leveled and is now 120 over 76, and I have also lost 15 pounds. To add to my excitement, I was in the bathroom fixing my hair, and I had on a loose fitting shirt; my husband of 24 years walked in to get something and said, "Barb, look at your neck, that goiter is starting to shrink!" I left the bathroom to go try on some turtlenecks that I could never wear comfortably. Now they fit loose and some of my necklaces fit now too. This was truly a miracle to me. I cleared out a quarter size mucus plug out of my sinuses the other day, and then my hearing improved also. I was not even aware of this problem. My skin is fresh and supple again, and my age spots are disappearing.

At this point, I was feeling so good I decided to share this wonderful product with my family and friends. So I joined the company and had a meeting at my home. I was anxious to show all my friends—who saw me suffer for so many years—the new me! Seventeen people came to the meeting, and their reaction was one of total amazement and disbelief. Almost everyone bought the tonic, and two of them registered with Jurak. Already, the product is helping most of them.

I feel good, and I look good! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, Tiffany Bizios, for caring enough about me to introduce me to JC Tonic®. I also want to thank Anthony Jurak for passing down his father's formula to continue helping people. Thank you for such a wonderful product, so I can enjoy my life again. Thanks so much!
J.J., New York

I have been on JC Tonic® for eleven months and I drink two to three ounces a day. About fourteen years ago I was diagnosed as a diabetic, type 2. My doctor put me on chemical drugs. I wish that I would have found JC Tonic® thirteen years ago. Since I started taking the tonic eleven months ago, I am now only taking half of my insulin. I drink my JC Tonic® and my diabetes is completely under control - it is not cured. I feel very good, I am very strong and I have a lot of things going on in my life.

My wife was helped tremendously with her headaches and my cholesterol has come down. I also use it on the wrinkles on my face and I think I look pretty good.

I have four fish tanks and I treat the water in the tanks with the tonic every time I change the water. I also have two guinea pigs and I put a couple drops of tonic in their water. As they too have blood, it has got to help them also.

I know that I can count on JC Tonic® to help me the rest of my life. I will be a customer for the rest of my existence.
Terri Schmude

I have been using JC Tonic® for about four months now. My body aches are gone, my cholesterol levels are way down close to normal, and my mouth sores healed overnight. I am very pleased with the tonic. To feel good is a great feeling. Thank you for this product.
Albert, Arizona

I have suffered from allergies for several years, along with borderline cholesterol and an enlarged prostate gland. I also had broken out with a bad skin rash on both of my ankles. No matter what kind of products I used, the rash would not go away. I also had really bad back pain, even after having three surgeries over the past three years.

Nothing seemed to work for me until Carson Mansfield introduced me to JC Tonic®! That was the turning point for me. I drank half an ounce daily for one week and from then on progressed to consuming one full ounce daily. About three months later I noticed that my allergies were not as bad as before. That amazed me because each year I used to have two allergy shots administered. I attended my annual physical check-up eight months later and was pleased to have such a positive outcome. My prostate gland was normal and my cholesterol was below the accepted level. I was so thrilled!

My eyesight has improved noticeably and I still can't believe that I am able to do some things without my glasses on. I am nearly 73 years of age and have been drinking JC Tonic® for a year and three months. I still find things improving and moving right along. I am pleased to inform you that my back pain is no longer a concern of mine.

Thank you Carson Mansfield and Anthony Jurak for a renewed life.
We continue to receive success stories as more and more people try JC Tonic®.

Try it for yourself and see the difference it will make in your life.



Back Pain
Blood Pressure
Blood Sugar
Body Aches
Digestive System
Female Health
Hot Flashes
Immune System
Joint Systems
Mental Health
Nervous System
Night Sweats
Respiratory System
Urinary System
Water Retention
Weight Management
Well Being
Disclaimer: JC TONIC® is a dietary supplement not a drug. Therefore, it is useful in effecting the structure and/or function of your body in various ways. However, it is not intended to and will not cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. Success Stories like those presented reflect truthful and actual experiences of individuals who have consumed JC TONIC® and have chosen to express their opinion regarding its personal use and the positive results they have achieved. Their point of view however may not be all encompassing and does not constitute scientific evidence that JC TONIC® will cause similar results in others including yourself nor are these statements representative of individual results you may anticipate. Jurak World Wide does not make any such drug or treatment claims for its products.

The entire contents of this Website are subject to copyright protection. The content available on this Website is the property of Jurak World Wide Inc and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property law in the United States of America and by international copyright laws.