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10 Essential Properties
Bidirectional Herb
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Whole Body Tonic for All Ages
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Disclaimer: JC TONIC® is a dietary supplement not a drug. Therefore, it is useful in effecting the structure and/or function of your body in various ways. However, it is not intended to and will not cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. Success Stories like those presented reflect truthful and actual experiences of individuals who have consumed JC TONIC® and have chosen to express their opinion regarding its personal use and the positive results they have achieved. Their point of view however may not be all encompassing and does not constitute scientific evidence that JC TONIC® will cause similar results in others including yourself nor are these statements representative of individual results you may anticipate. Jurak World Wide does not make any such drug or treatment claims for its products.
Lyman, New York

I have been taking JC Tonic® for 13 months. I had been suffering from headaches, heartburn, my hands, legs and arms going to sleep at the wheel (I'm a tractor-trailer driver), prostate pain, seven years of aches and pains throughout my body and shortness of breath when exerting myself on heavy jobs.

My sister introduced me to JC Tonic®. When I began taking it I experienced less headaches in just two weeks. I also found the circulation in my legs and hands improving. I have no more pressure in my prostate now. That eliminates those nighttime urgencies to have to go --- and can't! I have more energy and I can eat spicy food I really love without having heartburn.

My family, friends and workmates call me the Tonicman. Look out Anthony!
Shirley, Canada

I have been on the Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic for five months and am pleased with the results. My circulation has improved and my hands are warm. I have good blood pressure and I do not have to take any pills. The hoarseness in my throat is gradually disappearing. My legs used to bother me when walking, but now I walk six to eight blocks a day. I still have some discomfort, but not like it was.
Christina, Colorado

I was fatigued and had leg aches everyday from standing all day, resulting from poor circulation. Since JC Tonic®, I have more energy, no more leg and feet aches, clearer skin and I just feel better.
Laniece, Nevada

I have been on JC Tonic® for a month and it has helped my circulation in my arms. It is helping me to cope, I feel better everyday, and it has even helped me to think well. I am very satisfied with the tonic.
Florence, Wisconsin

On May 22, 2002, Irene Borkowski introduced me to JC Tonic® and I'd like to thank her for that, as well as Anthony and Roger.

I stubbed my toe very hard many years ago. It was very sensitive to the touch and hurt at times. That's all gone. My digestion has improved. I can eat things that I couldn't before, such as raw onions, chili and spaghetti. I can eat them now with gusto. Also, about the time I was ready to go to sleep, I'd get terrible pain and have to sit up for a long time. That's all gone. Now the dog and I snack on cheese or herring just before going to bed with no problem.

My hearing was very bad. I couldn't hear well on the phone and the voices on TV were jumbled. Last November, I was listening to a phone conference call, straining my ear to catch every word. I put the receiver to left ear and to my alarm, it was mute. I couldn't hear a whisper. Several months later, I started to hear the man giving the news on TV. Then I noticed I could hear better on the phone. I can now put the receiver on my left ear and hear. I also heard the phone ring while I was in another room, which I couldn't do before.

My circulation has improved. I sleep with just a few light covers. I have reduced my nighttime trips to the bathroom from five to two.

I went to the beauty shop. The operator ran her fingers through my hair and said, "You have a lot of hair." Then again she said, "Your hair is very think." That was the golden opportunity to tell her why it was so thick. Before taking JC Tonic®, it was falling out and getting thin. I explained how JC Tonic® would cleanse your blood and the blood would go to the top of your head to the tips of your toes.

My night driving has improved. A year ago, the lights blinded me. Recently, I have been on the road a dozen times at night without fear. My eyes aren't watering a much. That condition was bad for daytime driving.

For year I had pain. First, pain below the left knee, then sever pain in the left thigh and my back has improved. Some days are pain-free and that is Seventh Heaven. Two years ago I would shop at the mall and use an electric cart. Now I go on my own power.

I never show my ID card when I ask for a senior discount. My face has a lot of wrinkles. One day I asked for a senior discount and this intelligent looking girl said, "You have to be 55 or older." I said, "Thanks for the compliment, I'm 86." She called another girl over to tell her I was 86. They said, "What do you eat?" I told them I take JC Tonic® and told them more about it. I feel they judged my mobility, as I didn't have a cane, walker or wheelchair.

I shop for groceries weekly and sometimes see a friend who comments, "How have you been this winter?" I say, "Wonderful! No colds or flu. I'm taking JC Tonic®." That is my opener to tell about JC Tonic® and what it has done for me.

I had more energy, but I wanted that burst of energy most people experience when taking JC Tonic®. This story is a little off the cuff. Many years ago, my brother invited us for New Year's Eve. He said he'd serve martinis and after one or two you would get "the glow." I had never heard that expression before. One Thursday night, it happened. I listened to the JCWW phone conference call that ends at 9 p.m. our time. Other nights, I would have headed for bed. I was wide-awake and called my cousin to congratulate her on her wonderful testimonial.

It was almost 10 p.m., but I wanted to talk JC Tonic® some more. I called my mentor, Carolin Hallada, and talked for a long time. Still full of energy, I wrote a letter to a friend who had a stroke. Usually, I'd write a sentence and wonder what to say next. That night my mind was as sharp as a tack. The words just flowed from my pen. I completed a few more projects. I thought, how will I tell my daughter in the morning of this glad-to-be-alive feeling? And then I knew. I had "the glow" and it wasn't from drinking a martini, but from a shot of JC Tonic®.
Shirley, Wisconsin

I am 57 years old and I take and ounce of JC Tonic® a day, sometimes and ounce and a half. First of all, THANK YOU Debra Janz and Roger for eaves dropping in on our conversation at the restaurant where my friends and I were having lunch one Sunday. Roger gave me a one ounce monodose and by Thursday night's meeting I bought more.

Before starting on JC Tonic®, I was ready to quite my job, which was only nine to fifteen hours a week, because I didn't have the stamina or energy to do it. I would go to the chiropractor at least once a week if not two or three times. My medical history includes two car accidents that really messed up my neck, degenerative arthritic disease in my spine (bottom 3 discs are affected), fibromyalgia, gout, bursitis of the hips for 20 years, rheumatoid arthritis in my hands, carpal tunnel, fibrous tumors of the ankles, fallen arches, arthritis and tendonitis in both shoulders, tendonitis in my right elbow, hot flashes, constipation, trouble sleeping, allergies to all medications, rhinitis, sinus problems, Barrett's Esophagus, circulation problems, low energy, low blood pressure, muscle cramps throughout my body, and shortness of breath when I tried to exercise. I am hard of hearing in both ears, sugar intolerant and lactose intolerant. I have problems with my knees and numbness in both of my hands. I had constant pain in my hands, hips, feet, neck and back. My hands were swollen all the time and becoming numb. My left thumb had shooting pain and a spur about the size of a marble growing on the knuckle. Being allergic to pain medication, I couldn't take anything for the pain. I had dropped a butcher knife into my right foot, got four stitches and the pain never went away. I dropped a hot iron on my arm about a week later. My hands couldn't hold anything anymore.

After I started to drink JC Tonic®, it was only five days later and I was sleeping better and after six days the swelling in my ankles wend down. In two months the swelling was gone. After nine months of continuous pain from the knife injury in my foot, it now doesn't hurt anymore and the scar disappeared after being on the tonic seven weeks. The scar from the iron has almost disappeared too. They were both a very dark brown. I always did scar easily. I don't bruise easily anymore. What difference does that make? A lot, because I would just bump up against something and get a big, dark, ugly bruise and it would hurt for days. The doctors couldn't explain it.

After ten days it was like someone turned on a switch inside me and my energy came back like I hadn't felt since before my hysterectomy in 2000. After my hysterectomy I was put on a very strong hormone. It actually made me very sick. I felt I must have been allergic to it, but the doctor refused to take me off of it and put me on something else. I finally told him he had better let me try something else or I would quit it all together. So he put me on a lesser dose of another brand. After I was diagnosed with Barrett's Esophagus, I asked to be put on a patch to bypass my stomach. My nutritionist agreed, but the patch still gave me problems. Being on JC Tonic® only six weeks took care of all these problems.

Being sugar intolerant and having cravings for sugar was not a good thing. By three weeks, I didn't have any sugar cravings. Many things started to happen at the six week mark of taking JC Tonic®. My acid reflux was much better. I am off the two medications I was on and am now only drinking JC Tonic®. I still have to watch what I am eating. Not having to take the two medications I was on alone is saving me over $77.00 a month. I am saving on other supplements and chiropractic treatments also. I only go to the chiropractor once a month, so I figure that saves me around $200-$300 a month.

The pain in my hips was so bad that I couldn't sleep at night. My hips were constantly going out of place causing he pain. After six weeks on JC Tonic® the pain was completely gone. Seven weeks marked another turn in health. My constipation problem corrected itself and also my knees improved.

One morning I woke up with a hot burning sensation going up my spine. It felt great. My back is doing better all the time. I took at 200 mile drive in the car recently, which I haven't been able to do for three years, and I had no problem with sitting or cramps and I felt good when I got home.

After eight weeks I noticed that I wasn't having sinus problems like I usually did during the spring/fall months. My circulation is much better and I am not cold all the time. I can sleep good now with a fan on. That is great because I used to sleep all summer with two blankets on. The spur on my hand disappeared after about eight weeks on the JC Tonic®. The movement started to come back. The swelling is now gone during the day and my hands are beginning to look normal, the knuckles are not as deformed looking as before.
Constance, Colorado

The tonic helped my PMS to disappear. I have always had headaches and cramps, so I knew when that time of the month was coming. Now, I no longer have those. My mind used to be really busy, but now it is clear and I can focus on one thing and complete it. My vision is clearer and more defined and the circulation in my legs and feet is better. Also, I am not as hungry and I do not eat all of the time.
Shirley, Minnesota

I started using JC Tonic® in September of 1999. I have lots of energy and I am sleeping better. My arthritis had me in so much pain that I was ready to quit my job that I have been working at for 20 years. It also helped with my circulation.
Ruby, Florida

A friend of mine had been very sick for the last year, prior to me hearing about the tonic. I noticed her condition going from very sick, back to herself again. I asked her if the doctor found a cure for her and she replied, "No, I am taking this product called Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic".

Immediately, I told her to contact the person she purchased it from. She told me it was Ruthie Neal. I had my friend contact Ruthie, to bring me a box of the tonic. After taking the tonic for about four days, the circulation came back in my leg, the cramps were gone and the soreness in my foot were gone. I work two jobs and I always felt tired and run down. Thanks to JC Tonic®, I have so much energy that I do not know what to do with it.
Laura, Arkansas

The tonic has led me to have strength in my legs, which would hurt at night causing me to lose sleep. JC Tonic® has relaxed my muscles and has given me the strength to build up my legs, my muscles, my arms and it helps my blood to flow better. Also, it has helped my hair thicken up and I sleep better at night. My sight is clearing and it has just been a blessing. I take thyroid medication, but JC Tonic® sure has helped it a lot, along with my blood pressure.

My husband, Eddie, had poor circulation. JC Tonic® has strengthened his legs and muscles quite well, and has pulled down a lot of swelling out of our legs and feet. Also, the tonic does not keep us up at night, so we sleep and rest better. It has just done many great things.

JC Tonic® has been a blessing. My daughter is taking it also and she is 33. I have two grandsons, nine and twelve, and they take it. We have nine in all and are all taking it. They love it! We are thankful for having a product like JC Tonic® and we thank Phil Harris for introducing it to us.
We continue to receive success stories as more and more people try JC Tonic®.

Try it for yourself and see the difference it will make in your life.



Back Pain
Blood Pressure
Blood Sugar
Body Aches
Digestive System
Female Health
Hot Flashes
Immune System
Joint Systems
Mental Health
Nervous System
Night Sweats
Respiratory System
Urinary System
Water Retention
Weight Management
Well Being
Disclaimer: JC TONIC® is a dietary supplement not a drug. Therefore, it is useful in effecting the structure and/or function of your body in various ways. However, it is not intended to and will not cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. Success Stories like those presented reflect truthful and actual experiences of individuals who have consumed JC TONIC® and have chosen to express their opinion regarding its personal use and the positive results they have achieved. Their point of view however may not be all encompassing and does not constitute scientific evidence that JC TONIC® will cause similar results in others including yourself nor are these statements representative of individual results you may anticipate. Jurak World Wide does not make any such drug or treatment claims for its products.

The entire contents of this Website are subject to copyright protection. The content available on this Website is the property of Jurak World Wide Inc and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property law in the United States of America and by international copyright laws.