Carolin, Wisconsin
When Joseph O'Rourke called and told us about
JC Tonic®, my husband Dave and I were very reluctant about even trying it because we had been taking another natural product for 11 years and just did not want to switch. Joseph went on to tell us how Anthony started his own company. We knew Anthony from before and had a lot of respect and faith in him and I believe that is why we tried the product.
We got fantastic results in only one day!!! My energy level is absolutely great! I can now get to sleep without tossing and turning and I sleep all night. My nervousness is gone, my digestion problems are much better and I feel great! Dave's energy level has increased too. He has a feeling of well-being and is very alert.
I originally told Joseph that we were not going to do the business, but here we are telling everybody about this wonderful
JC Tonic®. We present it with an enthusiastic approach and from the heart. We like seeing how many people we can help with their health. Once they get on the product, we need to follow up with them; this is very important and it works. The Jurak marketing plan is the best we have ever seen. We tell people about the plan and encourage them to join us on this important mission.
We want to thank Anthony and the whole company, and especially Joseph for introducing this wonderful product and opportunity with us.