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Disclaimer: JC TONIC® is a dietary supplement not a drug. Therefore, it is useful in effecting the structure and/or function of your body in various ways. However, it is not intended to and will not cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. Success Stories like those presented reflect truthful and actual experiences of individuals who have consumed JC TONIC® and have chosen to express their opinion regarding its personal use and the positive results they have achieved. Their point of view however may not be all encompassing and does not constitute scientific evidence that JC TONIC® will cause similar results in others including yourself nor are these statements representative of individual results you may anticipate. Jurak World Wide does not make any such drug or treatment claims for its products.
Mildred, Florida

Thank God for Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic. Since my first dose of JC Tonic® , my legs have been painless. I have noticed that my hands are much softer and smoother. But, the most important thing for me is the pressure in my chest that I had for a long time is no longer there and is still gone.
Carol, Ohio

I have been on JC Tonic® for 14 months. Previously I have been constipated all my life. I am now 66 years old and since being on JC Tonic® about 2 month, I have been going like clock work. My spastic colon problems left almost immediately. My stomach was relaxed because any type of stress would bring it on. It calmed me down. I sleep better and I have more energy.

I have had deterioration in my right knee and lower back which was diagnosed as arthritis. I rub the tonic on my knee and back as well as take 2 monodoses a day. I haven't had any soreness in my back or knee over a year. I put the tonic on my face, around my eyes and my neck. People are saying that I never get any older.

I have such confidence in JC Tonic® that even though I will be getting Medicare I don't think I will need a supplement. Why pay the extra money? I just believe that I can kiss those doctors good-bye and JC Tonic® is going to help me to do it. I was a LPN for 30 years and I worked in those hospitals and they just terrify me.

My husband had problem with hemorrhoids, indigestion and a rash. Then he went on JC Tonic®. The problems seemed to get worse at first but as he continued to use the tonic, it got better and has not come back.
Jean, Colorado

I am writing this, because I know that there are people like me who really do not believe the tonic is helping them. Even though I have seen a total change in my husband Lenny, I thought maybe this tonic is for certain people, but I kept hoping that just maybe if I continued taking it, it might work.

In the mean time, before the tonic, I was drinking a protein drink three times a day and eating three small meals, because I started to lift weights. I could not believe what I looked like. I was disgusted with myself. Then the phone call came about the tonic.

We started taking it and it worked wonders on Lenny right away. But me, that was a different story. I have had Chronic Fatigue all my life, a heart murmur, female problems, and low blood sugar. I never know what it was like to feel really good. I continued to lift weights even though it made me feel worse, because of my fatigue, but Lenny kept encouraging me to take the tonic. Then I started seeing so many people who were taking the tonic change incredibly not only in the way they were feeling, but also in the way they looked in appearance. So, I continued taking the tonic and exercising.

At first, when taking the tonic, I was also very sleepy, so I took it one evening before bed, which was very early. The person who introduced us to JC Tonic® came to visit and told me, "You watch, Jeanie, soon you will be getting up at 6:00 a.m. ready to go". I thought to myself, "I don't think so," because I just could not comprehend that happening and then, one morning, it happened! My eyes opened up and I jumped out of bed ready to go exercise. I felt totally alive.

I have never ever felt this good. I could not believe it. People I knew started telling me that I was really losing weight and asked if there was anything wrong with me. I felt bad now thinking I looked haggard, so I told Lenny to take a picture of me so I could see exactly how bad I looked. When the picture came back I could not believe what I saw. I was happy and excited.

If you continue the tonic and not give up you also will see results in due time, not only on the inside but on the outside also. Also, I am excited to say no more fatigue, no female problems, flu (if it does start) quickly goes away, my low blood sugar is better, my fingernails thicker and longer, my hair is fuller (which I do not really need), my skin is softer and younger looking, and I am more confident within myself and more focused in my mind.

Anthony and Roger, words cannot tell you how I appreciate what you both did for me and Lenny and many others. You changed our lives not only with our health but financially. We, of course, are living a better quality of life. Also, thank you both for giving me a business I can work and give to people what you gave to us.
Lenny, Colorado

There was a time that my life did not seem so bright. At the young age of 20, I started to get sick. I tried to hide it and pretend I was okay, but it was very difficult to wake up in the morning and not feel good and have some kind of a problem.

At the age of 23, I was considered to have the body of an 80-year-old man. I became a guinea pig for doctors. I tried many medications, creams, shots, went to physical therapy and skin specialists, trying to figure out what was wrong. I went to all the doctors, specialists, and therapists, and they could not figure out what was wrong or why my body was rapidly deteriorating. They gave up!

Finally, I got to the point where I could not take it anymore. So, we turned to alternative health. At first, I called it, "that health stuff." I tried natural products, but they did not help much. I did try to take care of my health, but nothing helped until I was introduced to JC Tonic®. I began the tonic on April 6, 1999 and when I did, my body went the other way.

First and most important was my improving eyesight. Then my rashes went away, my allergies diminished; I was able to stay in public longer. I had energy to exercise; I began to eat right and added weight. I had no more back problems, no chronic fatigue and my skin improved. The tonic helped me to achieve my health. There is physical change from being sick to being healthy. People can actually see this noticeable change and I am so excited.

You do not know what it means to me being able to see everybody's face and knowing that I almost hung up on a phone call suggesting that I try JC Tonic®. That phone call put an end to 18 years of health problems.
Gerald, Wisconsin

I have been on JC Tonic® for over six months. Debbie K. called me and told me how JC Tonic® was helping her, so I decided to try it and to my amazement, it started to clean out the toxins from my body. After a week, I started to get more energy. The dark circles around my eyes have disappeared and I am now getting more deep sleep, and having good dreams. The pain in my knee is less and I am now able to mow the lawn and rake leaves. I thank God for using the tonic to balance out my body and my heart. I have a new sense of well-being and will continue taking my tonic. Thank you Roger and Anthony for coming to Wisconsin and teaching us about the great benefits of 18 tonic herbs that gives us good health.
Lester, Iowa

I love JC Tonic®! I feel great and it has only been three months! I am fully charged, my brain is focused and my skin is clear and has glowing. Even though I am 43 years old, I feel like I am 20 years old and I am maintaining my weight at 200 pounds. Without good health, nothing matters.
Irene, Wisconsin

I have been taking JC Tonic® for over 2 years. The longer I take it the more it does for more. I used to have severe sinus problems. I spent many times in a dark room because of the pressure and headaches. I would get sick to my stomach because of the draining in the back of my throat. Well, I no longer have sinus problems and that sure feels good!

JC Tonic® has improved my sleeping. I always felt I didn't sleep as much as other people. Now that I can sleep, I realize how much my body really needed the sleep that I wasn't getting. I am even dreaming now and even my nails are growing fast.

I think the biggest improvement though was with my knee. About 4 ½ years ago I was supposed to have knee replacement. I had x-rays taken that showed that I was walking bone on bone. I suffered from so much pain that my doctor put me on pain pills and told me that I would have to have my liver tested every 6 weeks. I decided I wasn't going to ruin my liver so I dumped the pain pills and didn't take them.

The first year of being on JC Tonic®, I was still in quite a bit of pain, but then the pain got less. We have an acre of garden and so I do a lot of walking, bending, and lifting. I really can't believe how well I am doing. I know that JC Tonic® is really helping my knee.

JC Tonic® even helped me with a burn. I stepped on a hot glue gun with my big toe and it squirted so hard that I started to get a big blister. I poured JC Tonic® on it, covered it with a bandage, put on a sock and didn't look at it for a few days because I was scared that there was going to be a big blister. Finally, I decided to take my bandage off and I couldn't believe it! There was no blister, no sore, nothing! My toe was just new pink skin. If it does that much for the outside, think what does it does on the inside!
Garrett, Alabama

I am a relatively young man, 29 years old, and have always taken excellent care of myself. Well, Johnny B. Williams kept telling me about this great product (JC Tonic®) that was just working wonders for him. I did not really see a big need to jump on the product, so I procrastinated for a while.

Finally, I decided to join the team and try the product. If only I would have done it earlier! I will never regret getting taking Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic. I have been on it for about two months now. After the third day, my sinuses began to pop open, what a wonderful feeling and they have been that way ever since. My energy has increased, my skin has improved and my wife keeps telling me that I have lost weight (in all of the right places). All of this in just fewer than two months…WOW! I am 100% satisfied.

Also, I have just about always had redness in my eyes from being a long-time contact wearer. But for about a week, I had been putting a drop of tonic in each eye and now my eyes are white again and clear. It feels great to be on the tonic, because you know that you are improving your health every single day, I cannot wait to see what JC Tonic® does for me next.
Linda, Ohio

Hi! My name is Linda Davis; I am 42-years-old and live in Zanesville, Ohio. The reason I am writing this is so others can understand how JC Tonic® has impacted my health.

I was born with blood in my kidneys and whiteheads all over my body. From a young age I always had a sore throat, tonsillitis, allergies, and extremely sluggish digestion. All my life, however, I'd been blessed with an incredible amount of energy and will power. My mental capabilities were great and I could think clearly and convey my thoughts.

On January 20, 1998, all the positive things in my life changed. As a result of a motor vehicle accident, I was left with Fibromyalgia; insomnia; constant pain for four and a half years; depression; irritability; and my allergies ballooned. It caused much stress on my marriage.

All of this seems quite impossible to believe, but it's true. My husband and I went to many medical doctors trying to find relief although I didn't have any medical coverage. I had M.R.I.'s and E.M.G.'s. I went to the Pain Management Clinic, which cost us over $8,000. Doctors prescribed different medications, most of which I could not take. All of this was quite costly. We spent over $20,000 trying to find relief. Some of the money we had received from selling our home went for the Pain Clinic. The medical route became very costly and of little to no benefit.

The medications would alter my personality; some would make me aggressive and hateful. Besides these problems, some medications would blur my vision, make me nauseous, and cause muscle stiffness. I couldn't function for weeks, months at a time. Yet, nothing would kill my pain. I couldn't sleep at night on my own without sleeping medicine and then I would have horrible nightmares.

Due to the pain, I would not like my husband to put his arms around me or even touch me. It inhibited any form of recreation because everything caused pain, even playing cards. Simple tasks became insurmountable. If I would shop for groceries, I would lean over my cart and shuffle my feet. I would be so exhausted! When I came home, my husband would bring them into the house. I could put the cold items away, the rest stayed for the next day. Then I would sleep. I was entirely exhausted and would sleep for 2-3 hours. Nothing else would get done. Each day I would do one thing, rarely two. Some days all I could do was cook. Other days, I would do the laundry. My husband would have to carry everything up and down the steps for me. Not only was my husband providing for me, how he had to assume my tasks also. There was one thing I constantly, and that was sleep!

Along with this, I also had a cloudy mentality. I would see what would need to done, like dishes, dusting, or laundry, but could not make a decision on what to do. I became a couch potato because that didn't demand anything of me. My allergies got to the point where I couldn't be around anyone with perfume or cologne. I became more and more isolated from the people I loved.

Then, in May 2002, my life changed! Because of the caring persistence of Joseph O'Rourke, I was introduced to Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic. The first dose and I was able to have a deep sleep. The next morning the pain had left my arms and elbows. My allergies left too. By the second day I was able to be around a large group of my friends for a Bible Educational program. I no longer needed to be in an isolated room!

This was more than enough to make me happy! Yet, other things began to happen to my body as I stayed on JC Tonic®: My digestion is no longer sluggish; my sinuses have cleared; I am mentally alert; my vision has cleared; my taste buds are getting better. My doctor has taken me off of two of my medications. For the first time in four and a half years I can sleep on my own. I am able to breathe out of my nose not my mouth only. My monthly cycle has improved and so has my acne. My friends say I don't look as stressed out. I look back to where I was and wanted you to see it too, and see how I have a life now.

Thinking back to Joseph O'Rourke and how he and Anthony Carl Jurak had contacted me previously, I am grateful! I listened but I didn't respond. For all of you who are deciding, remember my experience - not to feel sorry for me, but to learn. If I would have responded earlier to Joseph and Anthony, then my body would've been able to heal more quickly. It would have saved me incredible stress, pain, and money.

Try JC Tonic®! You and your loved ones will be grateful you did. Thank you Joseph O'Rourke and Anthony for giving me my life back by means of JC Tonic®.
Cassie, Dene

In February of 2002, I started taking JC Tonic®. Immediately people noticed how beautiful my skin was. The pain subsided and I felt great. I definitely would recommend JC Tonic®. When I miss a dose, the pain returns and my energy level decreases.

One week ago, I fractured my ankle in two places. Because of JC Tonic® I have healed better; the swelling and the pain went away faster. I am able to have a balloon cast where I can walk without crutches.

If you have tried everything, you have so much to gain from taking JC Tonic®. Isn't it worth feeling better and being able to enjoy life? Try it…. you will be amazed!
Cathy, Colorado

JC Tonic® gives me lots of energy, I sleep better and I am calmer. It makes me feel really good and my skin younger looking.
Anthony, Florida

I am 54 years old. I met David and Ruthie Neal a couple of months ago when I was working on their computer at their home. I noticed how good they were looking and they told me about JC Tonic®. I decided to try it and I got tremendous results. I had a lack of energy. I got so much energy that I decided to become an Ambassador of Health.

Two days before I became an Ambassador, I was riding my bike in downtown Tampa and I hit a curb and fell off of my bike. I broke my finger and I skinned my leg up. I was in pretty bad shape from the fall. Ruthie told me to rub JC Tonic® on my skinned up knee and I did. About 45 minutes later, the whole wound began to seal up. Today my knee is healed and there is no evidence that the wound had ever been there.

One thing I noticed about the tonic is that it does something for my spirit. I sing and I am a musician. Ever morning now I sit at the piano and sing for everybody, even the telephone callers
Sal, Texas

My gray hair is now black and growing. From after five years, my high blood pressure is down from between 160-100 to between 140-80 points, which is normal. My sinus problems, headaches and back pains are gone and also my age spots, or liver spots, are lighter.
Gail, Colorado

I have only taken the tonic for a few days and it has already brought relief to the rash on my hands! This is very encouraging to me, so I plan to continue with the tonic.
Edna, Colorado

I am 86 and have more energy. Also, my sister, Ruth Burke, has had such good results. She has not taken a sleeping pill for four weeks. Her back was rough and the tonic left her with a smooth back, like a babies bottom. Also, her strength is coming back.
Harry, Virginia

As the author of my best selling "Near Death Survivor" book "THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL", I first of all want to introduce a small segment from the introduction on page three and I quote: "From the minute we are born, we are of course beginning to die. When we think about this, as we grow older, we know it is true and accept it as a rueful reality. We also hope the process of gradually dying, inevitable as it is, will be long and enjoyable, but the length of our life depends on the parts of our body lasting the course and not coming to a painful and premature end."

In my case, part of me was coming to an end or a worsening condition. I was getting up at night, far too frequently, with a resultant lack of sleep and the irritability that went with it. Dan D'Agostino, who purchased a copy of my book and who turned out to be a fervent believer in the JCWW philosophy of Sempre Viva, was instrumental in my taking JC Tonic®, with immediate favorable results. After only three or four doses, my sleep patterns greatly improved and my visits to the bathroom in the middle of the night grew less and less.

In addition, at age 85, the brown spots on the back of my hands began to fade away. I credit JC Tonic® and Dan for the obvious improvement in my health and my natural desire to tell as many other people, who may be having problems about its proven efficacy. To improve the health of someone like me, who is 85% of the way to becoming a centenarian is veritably a signal event.
Minerva & Frank, Colorado

JC Tonic® is giving me so much energy, that I wake up in the early morning ready for power walks. My husband had to get on the tonic just to keep up with me. My skin is smooth and everyone wants to know what I am taking. People say I look great!
Erna, South Dakota

I am a 79-year-old lady and I have had poor health for a long time. I have had three by-pass heart surgeries, lithotriptor for kidney stones and angioplasty surgery. Since I have been taking the tonic, I have noticed my age spots disappearing, I am not as tired, my stomach has improved and my bowels are more regular. Thank you for this whole body tonic that is helping my family too.
Raymond, Wisconsin

I started using JC Tonic® and about three weeks later I noticed substantial improvement in prostate condition (only one bathroom call per night as compared to three or four before); substantial improvement in night sleep pattern - awake in morning fully rested with more energy; normal bowel evacuation now as compared to constipation; skin feels more flexible and healthy.
Shirley, Wisconsin

I am 57 years old and I take and ounce of JC Tonic® a day, sometimes and ounce and a half. First of all, THANK YOU Debra Janz and Roger for eaves dropping in on our conversation at the restaurant where my friends and I were having lunch one Sunday. Roger gave me a one ounce monodose and by Thursday night's meeting I bought more.

Before starting on JC Tonic®, I was ready to quite my job, which was only nine to fifteen hours a week, because I didn't have the stamina or energy to do it. I would go to the chiropractor at least once a week if not two or three times. My medical history includes two car accidents that really messed up my neck, degenerative arthritic disease in my spine (bottom 3 discs are affected), fibromyalgia, gout, bursitis of the hips for 20 years, rheumatoid arthritis in my hands, carpal tunnel, fibrous tumors of the ankles, fallen arches, arthritis and tendonitis in both shoulders, tendonitis in my right elbow, hot flashes, constipation, trouble sleeping, allergies to all medications, rhinitis, sinus problems, Barrett's Esophagus, circulation problems, low energy, low blood pressure, muscle cramps throughout my body, and shortness of breath when I tried to exercise. I am hard of hearing in both ears, sugar intolerant and lactose intolerant. I have problems with my knees and numbness in both of my hands. I had constant pain in my hands, hips, feet, neck and back. My hands were swollen all the time and becoming numb. My left thumb had shooting pain and a spur about the size of a marble growing on the knuckle. Being allergic to pain medication, I couldn't take anything for the pain. I had dropped a butcher knife into my right foot, got four stitches and the pain never went away. I dropped a hot iron on my arm about a week later. My hands couldn't hold anything anymore.

After I started to drink JC Tonic®, it was only five days later and I was sleeping better and after six days the swelling in my ankles wend down. In two months the swelling was gone. After nine months of continuous pain from the knife injury in my foot, it now doesn't hurt anymore and the scar disappeared after being on the tonic seven weeks. The scar from the iron has almost disappeared too. They were both a very dark brown. I always did scar easily. I don't bruise easily anymore. What difference does that make? A lot, because I would just bump up against something and get a big, dark, ugly bruise and it would hurt for days. The doctors couldn't explain it.

After ten days it was like someone turned on a switch inside me and my energy came back like I hadn't felt since before my hysterectomy in 2000. After my hysterectomy I was put on a very strong hormone. It actually made me very sick. I felt I must have been allergic to it, but the doctor refused to take me off of it and put me on something else. I finally told him he had better let me try something else or I would quit it all together. So he put me on a lesser dose of another brand. After I was diagnosed with Barrett's Esophagus, I asked to be put on a patch to bypass my stomach. My nutritionist agreed, but the patch still gave me problems. Being on JC Tonic® only six weeks took care of all these problems.

Being sugar intolerant and having cravings for sugar was not a good thing. By three weeks, I didn't have any sugar cravings. Many things started to happen at the six week mark of taking JC Tonic®. My acid reflux was much better. I am off the two medications I was on and am now only drinking JC Tonic®. I still have to watch what I am eating. Not having to take the two medications I was on alone is saving me over $77.00 a month. I am saving on other supplements and chiropractic treatments also. I only go to the chiropractor once a month, so I figure that saves me around $200-$300 a month.

The pain in my hips was so bad that I couldn't sleep at night. My hips were constantly going out of place causing he pain. After six weeks on JC Tonic® the pain was completely gone. Seven weeks marked another turn in health. My constipation problem corrected itself and also my knees improved.

One morning I woke up with a hot burning sensation going up my spine. It felt great. My back is doing better all the time. I took at 200 mile drive in the car recently, which I haven't been able to do for three years, and I had no problem with sitting or cramps and I felt good when I got home.

After eight weeks I noticed that I wasn't having sinus problems like I usually did during the spring/fall months. My circulation is much better and I am not cold all the time. I can sleep good now with a fan on. That is great because I used to sleep all summer with two blankets on. The spur on my hand disappeared after about eight weeks on the JC Tonic®. The movement started to come back. The swelling is now gone during the day and my hands are beginning to look normal, the knuckles are not as deformed looking as before.
Carroll & Betty, Illinois

Hello! Our names are Carroll and Betty, ages 73 and 75 years respectively, from Illinois and we winter in Arizona. In January 2005 we were introduced to JC Tonic® by Carson Mansfield while he was at our County Store at Towerpoint Resort.

I am Carroll and three years ago I was diagnosed with type II diabetes and have controlled the disease by eating properly. I had crusty skin on my head and very thick and rough callous on my heals and feet. I had developed some skin hanging from the edge of my right eyelid, which obstructed my vision. Since taking JC Tonic®, the hanging skin on my eyelid has reduced in size and my toenails are beginning to look pink again. A month after using JC Tonic®, the crustiness is gone from my head and back. The diabetes remains level and I can even eat more ice cream.

I am Betty, a real skeptic. As I passed Carson's vendor table that day in January, I looked the other direction because I was determined Carroll would not get me on any more herbs. When I arrived home I found the bottle on the counter and I told Carroll very emphatically, "Don't try to get me on that stuff because I am not trying anything new." Within a month after noticing how the crustiness was gone from Carroll's head, I made the decision to start taking JC Tonic®.

In 1998 I had quadruple by-pass surgery, which left me with little energy. I used so many medications and herbs in the past seven years with minimal results. I would also develop bronchitis during our travels to and from Arizona.

In the first month, I noticed a significant shift in my energy level. It was tremendous and it continues to get better. Within two months of taking JC Tonic®, I was able to walk up and down a flight of stairs just like a normal person instead of having to take one step at a time.

Last summer I had been lying awake until 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. each night, so I began taking another product just so I could fall asleep. I'm happy to say that beginning in May, I stopped having to take the sleep aid and have been sleeping like a baby ever since thanks to JC Tonic®!

We thank God every day for sending Carson into our lives and sharing this wonderful product with us. It has helped us feel younger and so much healthier.
Eileen, Canada

I am 73 years old. I started taking JC Tonic® and felt better the next day. I continue to take two monodoses a day. My age spots, or liver spots, are continuing to disappear.
SherRon, Florida

I have been on JC Tonic® for almost a year, and I feel great!!! My skin and hair look better, and even feel better. The tonic is excellent!!! My grandparents are Ambassadors of Health, and have created a job for me, as their office assistant – OJT (On-The-Job-Training), for my Marketing class in school. I earn a grade and get paid. As you can see, the tonic serves many purposes for me: good health for the whole body and a job opportunity. JC Tonic® and I are best friends, and I have been blessed since being introduced to the tonic. Thank you, JCWW.
Constance, Colorado

I started taking JC Tonic® in October 1999. The first thing I noticed was that my mind was not so busy, and I was better able to focus on doing one thing at a time and finish what I was doing instead of running around and starting many projects but not finishing them. I can sleep better now. I used to wake up every two or three hours all through the night, and now I sleep through seven to eight hours without waking up even once. I am more rested and now I can sleep five or six hours and get up more energetic. I also noticed the age or liver spots on my face, hands, and legs were disappearing. My skin is a lot nicer now.

I used to be so tired all the time, but now I have enough energy to do my job and come home and not just crash on the couch because I am so tired. I have a lot of energy and endurance.

Thanks to God that Anthony's father made this tonic and thanks to Anthony, he made it for us, and thanks to Roger for his time with us.
April, Colorado

I have been on JC Tonic® for one month and so far I have noticed more energy, a better attitude, softer skin and an over all sense of well being. I also lost 12 pounds.
Patrick, Canada

My name is Patrick Murphy and here is my story. Before JC Tonic®, I had trouble breathing and cold weather was a killer, because I could hardly go outside in it. What follows is an account of what happened after taking the tonic for two and half months:

As I sat in the hospital just after this past New Years, I wondered whether this tonic my wife started me on was doing any good. That morning, they took my blood oxygen level and it read 88. Later that day, my wife brought JC Tonic®. I took it at 5:00 p.m. and at 7:00 p.m. They took my oxygen level again and it read 95. The next morning, it was the same thing. In the morning, my level was 89 and that night two hours after taking the tonic, it was 96. It did not dawn on me until later that it was JC Tonic® that was producing these results. Today, after being on the tonic, my blood oxygen level holds steady at 96.

Also, my leg was covered with sores and I had two specialists and my local doctor trying to heal it for two years, with no results. BINGO! The tonic does it again. My leg is almost completely healed. I am the guy who said to his wife, "That junk (meaning Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic) is never coming into my house." Now, I am thankful.

It was not too long ago when I hated going out in the cold, because it affected my breathing so bad. Now I can go out everyday and look forward to it. My breathing has improved so much, that I cut one of my nebulizer treatments off most days and every day it improves a little more.

As I run into people who have not seen me for a while, they remark on how well I look, and they ask, "What did you do with yourself?" I waste little time telling them about JC Tonic® and today I am very grateful for it. Also, the bald spot on my head is disappearing. Wonder what folks will say about that. Ha! Ha!
Justin, Florida

My life was empty before I started taking JC Tonic®. My face was full of bumps and black heads. It was hard to go out in public with my face looking like that. Now my face is clean and shining bright. I feel happy now that my face is clear. The tonic is helping my hair grow too and I can't wait until it gets as long as my brother C.J.'s. He introduced me to the tonic and now my life has changed. Thank you JC Tonic®.
Nancy & Jim, Wisconsin

I am 51 years old and have been taking JC Tonic® for 4 months. I have noticed an extremely heightened energy level. My thinking has become much more focused. My blood pressure is better now and I am sleeping much, much better. I have also lost inches all over my body. Due to my improved complexion, I look much younger and I have lost the dark circles under eyes.

I only take Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic and one vitamin-E capsule a day along with a morning meal replacement shake. I have noticed that my hot flashes have decreased, I sleep better and have increased energy. My husband, Jim, is also taking JC Tonic® but at a much slower pace due to his arthritic condition.

I really enjoyed sharing the tonic with people I meet everyday. It feels good to see people improve their health greatly. JC Tonic® is the best supplement I've ever been introduced to.
Barbara, Iowa

For 35 years, I had a large goiter and for 20 years I have had psoriasis. Also, ten years ago, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I could not move my arms above my head for 7 years. My triglycerides and cholesterol were out of whack. My triglyceride level was 480 and my cholesterol was 300. My blood pressure has been running 180 over 98.

I've been to several doctors and tried many remedies and nothing has helped me. I felt like an old dishrag, limp and worn out. I've been to one specialist after another. I also have been on a variety of medications, none of which worked.

For the past ten years, I was extremely depressed, bitter, angry, and felt like I was walking in a fog. I went to my chiropractor for pain management and it was there that I met Tiffany Bizios. She introduced me to JC Tonic®. She had much faith in this product, and I could see it in her eyes. At first, I was skeptical of something that could truly help me because, at this point in time, I had given up. It took me a couple of days of prayer before the Lord convinced me to take it. I could not believe the energy I felt after only taking one monodose. I did experience a slight headache, but it didn't discourage me since I hadn't felt this kind of energy in over ten years. Day by day, I have noticed a change. Before I could only sleep for an hour without pain, and now I can sleep up to seven restful hours.

After one week, I noticed my psoriasis had cleared up. After three weeks, I am now able to move my arms above my head, I am doing aerobics again, my triglycerides are 180, my cholesterol is 150, my blood pressure has leveled and is now 120 over 76, and I have also lost 15 pounds. To add to my excitement, I was in the bathroom fixing my hair, and I had on a loose fitting shirt; my husband of 24 years walked in to get something and said, "Barb, look at your neck, that goiter is starting to shrink!" I left the bathroom to go try on some turtlenecks that I could never wear comfortably. Now they fit loose and some of my necklaces fit now too. This was truly a miracle to me. I cleared out a quarter size mucus plug out of my sinuses the other day, and then my hearing improved also. I was not even aware of this problem. My skin is fresh and supple again, and my age spots are disappearing.

At this point, I was feeling so good I decided to share this wonderful product with my family and friends. So I joined the company and had a meeting at my home. I was anxious to show all my friends—who saw me suffer for so many years—the new me! Seventeen people came to the meeting, and their reaction was one of total amazement and disbelief. Almost everyone bought the tonic, and two of them registered with Jurak. Already, the product is helping most of them.

I feel good, and I look good! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, Tiffany Bizios, for caring enough about me to introduce me to JC Tonic®. I also want to thank Anthony Jurak for passing down his father's formula to continue helping people. Thank you for such a wonderful product, so I can enjoy my life again. Thanks so much!
Michelle, Colorado

As a mother of three, I was very skeptical at first. My own mother made me take the tonic. She said I would feel better and look better. She told me all of these stories about people and how it changed their health. "Sure Mom," I said and down it went.

A couple of months later, accompanied by a phone call from my mom practically everyday, I took it. Now I can say my skin looks smoother, I feel calmer and I have more motivation to do things I would never think about doing. For one, I went back to school and am still trying to get my real estates license, but best of all, I am a size six. Yes, I wear size "small". I went shopping because I look dumb in my clothes. No wonder why, I went from a size ten to a six within a short time. I was still a size nine to ten just six months ago and now I am a six.

For those of you who just would like to lose a dress size, it is not going to hurt. No shakes or fruit juicing everyday. I exercise two to three times a week at the gym, go to school and take care of my three kids and a husband. Hopefully, I will be working soon at my new career as a Real Estate Broker.

Did the tonic do all this? I do not know for sure, but I know it helped. It was too easy, I almost did not notice. As for my mom, she has that look in here eye, "Yeah, if you only listened to me." Just think, I could have been a size six a long time ago.
Toni, Colorado

I have been taking JC Tonic® and it has helped my menstrual cramps, and to be regular in elimination. I used to break out with a rash when I got nervous, but now I do not. I am so excited!

It helps my son Dymon (a year and a half) and Dale, my husband, is more energetic. This is good because he is a truck driver and travels often, so he needs to be alert. Milan, my daughter, is three-years-old and she does not get sick as often when she stays at the daycare center. My mother, Pat, is feeling good on this product.
Judy, Colorado

I had allergies for a long time but didn't know what was causing it. Twelve years ago I found out I had candida, an overgrowth of yeast in the body, but the doctors never even talked to me about it. I read about it on my own. I was going through menopause, which added to my problems. My allergies kept getting worse and worse.

I took allergy shots for a while, but they never did much good so I quit. It seems that my allergies got better for a while, but my candida got worse. My doctor did an MRI. He said he saw a bulging disk, some arthritis, and that I would soon need hip replacement. "I'm only 56." I thought, "I can't have a hip replacement." I started searching and searching again.

I started giving myself allergy shots because I couldn't afford to go to the doctor twice a week. I took two allergy pills a day and anti-inflammatory pills for the pain in my hips, ankles and feet. I don't know why, but sometimes the bottom of my feet would swell. My blood pressure wasn't good. I was taking blood pressure medication and thyroid medication. The doctors wanted to take my thyroid gland out, but I said no, so they just added more medication to what I was already taking. By this time, I was taking about 10 medications a day. I was a mess just trying to keep track. I had trouble thinking straight, even at work.

One day I turned on the radio and, lo and behold, it was the start of a new, live morning show in Denver with Anthony Carl Jurak. I went home and looked Jurak Corporation World Wide, Inc., up on the Internet. I wanted to learn more about the company before I did anything. I spent two or three hours looking at the site. I just wanted to read more. I called the local number Anthony gave on the radio show. Arrangements were made and someone came to my house the next day. We sat around the table and talked. I bought my first box and I've been going ever since.

It hasn't been easy, but I did not give up because some days I would feel real good and I knew that I could achieve that everyday. There have been days that I felt on top of the world, like I can move mountains. I can feel my body healing. I no longer have to take allergy medication, shots or thyroid medication and I have plenty of energy to get through the day.

I will never stop taking this tonic. Anyone with help problems or those just wanting to feel better should take JC Tonic® forever. Thanks Anthony and Team Jurak for such a fantastic product.

Eva, Florida

Ruthie Neal invited me to her product meeting. I had been praying to the Lord to send me something to help me with my health and relieve some of my pain and JC Tonic® did just that. I also lost ten pounds. My doctor didn't even give me eye drops or glasses. My skin rashes are gone and I look ten years younger. The crying spells are gone. I give credit to JC Tonic®. Thank you to Anthony, Roger and Team Jurak. I am 73 years young and hooked on JC Tonic® for life.
Barbara, Florida

I have noticed results from drinking JC Tonic®. For example, it has not only sharpened my memory, it has done a lot of cleansing to my body. When I first started JC Tonic® the first thing I experienced was a blast of energy and then clearer skin. I am so happy that I have been introduced to this product and I want to share it with others. God Bless You!
Linda, Wisconsin

I have used several health products for years and I have found a few good products and a wonderful chiropractor, but after two weeks on JC Tonic®, I felt so much better. After six weeks on the tonic, all of the skin pegs on my neck have disappeared, the fungus under my toenails has disappeared and my skin feels as young and smooth as it did 15 years ago. My muscles are lifting everywhere, the veins in my legs have greatly improved and my liver spots are disappearing. I feel just like I did in my twenties. I am 51-years-old and feel wonderful.

Thank you Debra, Roger, Anthony and his father for making this possible. I will forever be grateful. Thank you.
Cindy, New York

I am a 43-year-old woman. I was born with Cerebral Palsy. As far back as I can remember I was in pain due to muscle spasms, four messed up disks in my back, bone spurs on my spine, scoliosis, a deteriorating hip socket and arthritis throughout my body. The arthritis in my neck is so bad it was comparable to a 70-year-old person. I've had calluses on my feet since childhood. I've always had sinus problems. Then I found out I had chronic recurring depression.

Larry, my husband, is 46 years old. He was born with one foot, one ankle and no toes, and only three fingers. He also lost his spleen due to a motorcycle accident he was in. He has had to worry about getting pressure cysts and red irritated patches of skin on his legs due to the prosthesis he must use to walk. Having lost his spleen, he would suffer with colds, sinus problems and flu continuously through out the winter months, despite the fact he got a flu shot each year. The skin on his hands was very dry and calloused from working so much. My husband and I both work full time despite our physical challenges. It hasn't been easy.

I was visiting our good friend, Birdie Crandall. She had talked to Carson Mansfield about trying JC Tonic®. She said it was better than anything we'd ever tried. I took some on the spot. Well, let me tell you, in about ten minutes my arms began to tingle. The cyst in my wrist stopped hurting. About twenty minutes later, on my way home, my sinuses opened up. That night when I went to bed my feet began to tingle. I slept six hours or so without being awakened by muscle spasms or pain from my arthritis. My back pain eased up. In the morning I felt great. I got out of bed so fast I had to look back and see if it was really me that got up. Two and a half months later, I cut the medication I was taking in half. About three and a half months later, I stopped taking all my medication. I have had calluses since childhood that would get so bad they would crack and bleed. I started soaking my feet in JC Tonic® and water. Now they are clearing up. My calluses are almost gone. I went to my doctor for a check up last week and my sugar level is perfect at 90 and my blood pressure is 120 over 80 also perfect. Just over our months now. Most of the pain I had lived with for years is gone. I'm living life to the fullest and loving it.

Larry hasn't gotten sick at all this winter. He didn't get a flu shot this year. His sinuses cleared up. He didn't even get a cold or the flu. His pressure cysts and the irritated skin disappeared and haven't come back.
Albert, Arizona

I have suffered from allergies for several years, along with borderline cholesterol and an enlarged prostate gland. I also had broken out with a bad skin rash on both of my ankles. No matter what kind of products I used, the rash would not go away. I also had really bad back pain, even after having three surgeries over the past three years.

Nothing seemed to work for me until Carson Mansfield introduced me to JC Tonic®! That was the turning point for me. I drank half an ounce daily for one week and from then on progressed to consuming one full ounce daily. About three months later I noticed that my allergies were not as bad as before. That amazed me because each year I used to have two allergy shots administered. I attended my annual physical check-up eight months later and was pleased to have such a positive outcome. My prostate gland was normal and my cholesterol was below the accepted level. I was so thrilled!

My eyesight has improved noticeably and I still can't believe that I am able to do some things without my glasses on. I am nearly 73 years of age and have been drinking JC Tonic® for a year and three months. I still find things improving and moving right along. I am pleased to inform you that my back pain is no longer a concern of mine.

Thank you Carson Mansfield and Anthony Jurak for a renewed life.
Johnny, Virginia

I have been on JC Tonic® for 7 months now and the results I have gotten so far are too numerous to enumerate. When I am asked to tell what results I have gotten, I will purposefully mention only a few of them, so as not to sound unbelievable.

When Carolyn first told me what JC Tonic® had done for some individuals, I was very skeptical. As a matter of fact, I put the sample product on my dresser and that is where it stayed for weeks. Finally one night, I decided to open the sample and take a small sip of it. After lying on my bed for a few minutes I felt a sensation in my head that was like a drain trying to unclog. I got up to try a bit more. When I woke up in the morning my sinuses and head felt so unbelievably clear, it was unreal. I then went to my doctor and told him that I had taken some herbs that cleared up my head and I felt that I must have a sinus infection again. As he wrote me a prescription to my amazement, he said, "By the way, you might want to keep taking whatever herbs you have been taking."

That was enough for me. I then became an Ambassador of Health and have not missed a dose since then. My hair line has changed for the better, my vision has improved tremendously (I no longer wear eyeglasses), my sinuses are clear, my digestive and respiratory systems have improved, my skin looks better than ever. I wake up in the morning for the first time feeling refreshed and bright-eyed and more able to cope with a very stressful job. I could go on.

This is absolutely the best product I have ever been exposed to. Thank you Anthony Carl Jurak! I will never quit taking this product.

Edna, Indiana

JC Tonic® has really helped my family. My husband, Joe, is taking it to help his allergy symptoms and for energy and also to stay healthy. I am taking it for more energy and to cleanse my body and to keep healthy. We give it to our children when they have colds and coughs. Our son had a skin rash on his arm and JC Tonic® helped it. Thanks to JC Tonic® no other medication was needed.
We continue to receive success stories as more and more people try JC Tonic®.

Try it for yourself and see the difference it will make in your life.



Back Pain
Blood Pressure
Blood Sugar
Body Aches
Digestive System
Female Health
Hot Flashes
Immune System
Joint Systems
Mental Health
Nervous System
Night Sweats
Respiratory System
Urinary System
Water Retention
Weight Management
Well Being
Disclaimer: JC TONIC® is a dietary supplement not a drug. Therefore, it is useful in effecting the structure and/or function of your body in various ways. However, it is not intended to and will not cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. Success Stories like those presented reflect truthful and actual experiences of individuals who have consumed JC TONIC® and have chosen to express their opinion regarding its personal use and the positive results they have achieved. Their point of view however may not be all encompassing and does not constitute scientific evidence that JC TONIC® will cause similar results in others including yourself nor are these statements representative of individual results you may anticipate. Jurak World Wide does not make any such drug or treatment claims for its products.

The entire contents of this Website are subject to copyright protection. The content available on this Website is the property of Jurak World Wide Inc and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property law in the United States of America and by international copyright laws.