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Disclaimer: JC TONIC® is a dietary supplement not a drug. Therefore, it is useful in effecting the structure and/or function of your body in various ways. However, it is not intended to and will not cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. Success Stories like those presented reflect truthful and actual experiences of individuals who have consumed JC TONIC® and have chosen to express their opinion regarding its personal use and the positive results they have achieved. Their point of view however may not be all encompassing and does not constitute scientific evidence that JC TONIC® will cause similar results in others including yourself nor are these statements representative of individual results you may anticipate. Jurak World Wide does not make any such drug or treatment claims for its products.
Pearl, Florida

I have been taking JC Tonic® since September 2000. At first, I was a little hesitant to take it. I attended a meeting about JC Tonic®, and that did it! JC Tonic® has helped the varicose veins in my legs. They are less painful. I was having trouble with constipation. Since I have been taking JC Tonic®, I have been regular. I also had a sinus problem and swelling of my feet. Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic helped to reduce the swelling of my feet, and I have not been bothered with sinus problems anymore. JC Tonic® does work. It is working on some part of your body all the time. I do not want to be without it. It is a whole body tonic, and it does work!
Georgia, Colorado

When Rose Krantz introduced me to JC Tonic®, I had casually mentioned that my knees were swelling and I needed more energy. The sample monodose Rose gave me worked immediately. The pamphlet I read had the magic words "Good Blood" and "Staying Young". JC Tonic® gave me the energy I needed to do my job better. I do not have night sweats anymore, my knees are not swollen and I am more alert. I wish I could get my friends and associates to feel as good as I do!!! Thank you so much.
Bonnie, Wisconsin

JC Tonic® has done many things for me. I had always had a problem with constipation as well as swelling in my ankles and legs. Both of these conditions have disappeared. Every winter I would have small nosebleeds almost everyday and now I seldom have this problem. My digestion is better than it used to be. I used to get up once or twice during the night. Many times, I would wake up and not be able to get back to sleep for hours, but now I usually sleep through the night.

Before drinking JC Tonic®, I was going through a very bad period of anxiety and fear. I would get panicky over things like driving in a car, being in an elevator or a tiny bathroom, and I would not sleep in the dark. I tried many different things for this including reflexology, which helped some, but after drinking JC Tonic®, I feel about 90% improved. I still do not care too much for small closed in places, but I do not panic. I do not mind the dark and I am driving myself now. Last winter I would get so tired and exhausted that I could not stay up past 7:30 or 8:00 p.m., but now I can stay up until 10:30 or 11:00.

I am thankful to Anthony Carl Jurak for making this wonderful product available to the people of America, for all the friends I have made, and for all the things I have learned from listening to the weekly conference calls.

Since I have started taking Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic, the swelling in my leg, ankle and feet have gone down. Also, I have a lot more energy, where I used to feel so tired and run down.
Shirley, Wisconsin

I am 57 years old and I take and ounce of JC Tonic® a day, sometimes and ounce and a half. First of all, THANK YOU Debra Janz and Roger for eaves dropping in on our conversation at the restaurant where my friends and I were having lunch one Sunday. Roger gave me a one ounce monodose and by Thursday night's meeting I bought more.

Before starting on JC Tonic®, I was ready to quite my job, which was only nine to fifteen hours a week, because I didn't have the stamina or energy to do it. I would go to the chiropractor at least once a week if not two or three times. My medical history includes two car accidents that really messed up my neck, degenerative arthritic disease in my spine (bottom 3 discs are affected), fibromyalgia, gout, bursitis of the hips for 20 years, rheumatoid arthritis in my hands, carpal tunnel, fibrous tumors of the ankles, fallen arches, arthritis and tendonitis in both shoulders, tendonitis in my right elbow, hot flashes, constipation, trouble sleeping, allergies to all medications, rhinitis, sinus problems, Barrett's Esophagus, circulation problems, low energy, low blood pressure, muscle cramps throughout my body, and shortness of breath when I tried to exercise. I am hard of hearing in both ears, sugar intolerant and lactose intolerant. I have problems with my knees and numbness in both of my hands. I had constant pain in my hands, hips, feet, neck and back. My hands were swollen all the time and becoming numb. My left thumb had shooting pain and a spur about the size of a marble growing on the knuckle. Being allergic to pain medication, I couldn't take anything for the pain. I had dropped a butcher knife into my right foot, got four stitches and the pain never went away. I dropped a hot iron on my arm about a week later. My hands couldn't hold anything anymore.

After I started to drink JC Tonic®, it was only five days later and I was sleeping better and after six days the swelling in my ankles wend down. In two months the swelling was gone. After nine months of continuous pain from the knife injury in my foot, it now doesn't hurt anymore and the scar disappeared after being on the tonic seven weeks. The scar from the iron has almost disappeared too. They were both a very dark brown. I always did scar easily. I don't bruise easily anymore. What difference does that make? A lot, because I would just bump up against something and get a big, dark, ugly bruise and it would hurt for days. The doctors couldn't explain it.

After ten days it was like someone turned on a switch inside me and my energy came back like I hadn't felt since before my hysterectomy in 2000. After my hysterectomy I was put on a very strong hormone. It actually made me very sick. I felt I must have been allergic to it, but the doctor refused to take me off of it and put me on something else. I finally told him he had better let me try something else or I would quit it all together. So he put me on a lesser dose of another brand. After I was diagnosed with Barrett's Esophagus, I asked to be put on a patch to bypass my stomach. My nutritionist agreed, but the patch still gave me problems. Being on JC Tonic® only six weeks took care of all these problems.

Being sugar intolerant and having cravings for sugar was not a good thing. By three weeks, I didn't have any sugar cravings. Many things started to happen at the six week mark of taking JC Tonic®. My acid reflux was much better. I am off the two medications I was on and am now only drinking JC Tonic®. I still have to watch what I am eating. Not having to take the two medications I was on alone is saving me over $77.00 a month. I am saving on other supplements and chiropractic treatments also. I only go to the chiropractor once a month, so I figure that saves me around $200-$300 a month.

The pain in my hips was so bad that I couldn't sleep at night. My hips were constantly going out of place causing he pain. After six weeks on JC Tonic® the pain was completely gone. Seven weeks marked another turn in health. My constipation problem corrected itself and also my knees improved.

One morning I woke up with a hot burning sensation going up my spine. It felt great. My back is doing better all the time. I took at 200 mile drive in the car recently, which I haven't been able to do for three years, and I had no problem with sitting or cramps and I felt good when I got home.

After eight weeks I noticed that I wasn't having sinus problems like I usually did during the spring/fall months. My circulation is much better and I am not cold all the time. I can sleep good now with a fan on. That is great because I used to sleep all summer with two blankets on. The spur on my hand disappeared after about eight weeks on the JC Tonic®. The movement started to come back. The swelling is now gone during the day and my hands are beginning to look normal, the knuckles are not as deformed looking as before.
Fredric, Nebraska

I have been taking JC Tonic® for 11 months. The results have just been terrific! When I took my first ounce of JC Tonic®, I noticed that my sinuses started to drain down my throat about 30 minutes after taking it. Now I can actually breathe better without the clogged sinuses or headaches that came along with sinus problems. I also had some digestive problems, and I have noticed that since I started taking JC Tonic®, I am regular.

When I started driving a garbage truck about one month before getting on JC Tonic®, my knees began to hurt really bad, and I noticed some swelling in them. I went to the doctor; he did some X-rays and said he couldn't find anything. He gave me some medicine, but I didn't take it. I wanted to see if JC Tonic® was going to take care of this problem. And it did! About two months later, I felt no more pain and all the swelling had gone.

Along with increased energy, more alertness, and a calmer sense of well-being, this product has lived up to what it was supposed to and much more. I feel better each and every month, thanks to JC Tonic®. I want to thank my sponsor, Valerie Long, for sharing this product and business opportunity with my family, and I hope that we all continue to "Give The People Of The World What They Need Before They Know They Need It".
Thomas, Florida

Since I have started taking JC Tonic®, I do not feel tired and run down like I used to and I can come home from work and rest better. The swelling in my feet and ankles have gone down and my body has a lot more energy.
Laura, Arkansas

The tonic has led me to have strength in my legs, which would hurt at night causing me to lose sleep. JC Tonic® has relaxed my muscles and has given me the strength to build up my legs, my muscles, my arms and it helps my blood to flow better. Also, it has helped my hair thicken up and I sleep better at night. My sight is clearing and it has just been a blessing. I take thyroid medication, but JC Tonic® sure has helped it a lot, along with my blood pressure.

My husband, Eddie, had poor circulation. JC Tonic® has strengthened his legs and muscles quite well, and has pulled down a lot of swelling out of our legs and feet. Also, the tonic does not keep us up at night, so we sleep and rest better. It has just done many great things.

JC Tonic® has been a blessing. My daughter is taking it also and she is 33. I have two grandsons, nine and twelve, and they take it. We have nine in all and are all taking it. They love it! We are thankful for having a product like JC Tonic® and we thank Phil Harris for introducing it to us.
Janice, Canada

My father introduced me to herbal supplements in 1988. I suffer from mild anxiety attacks and bouts of depression. In 1996, because I felt healthy and was also broke, I stopped taking the herbal supplement. I stayed relatively healthy for about eighteen months.

I had been told that when you turn 40 years old your body starts to fall apart. Skeptical, I laughed. In June of 2000, at 43, both of my knees became sore and swollen - it hurt to walk and stand; kneeling or squatting was impossible. It felt like someone was shoving knives into my knees when I put the slightest pressure on them. Life was no longer fun. I asked my father for some of the herbal supplement I used to take. He referred me to a better product - Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic.

By the time started taking JC Tonic® my list of ailments also included a nagging, persistent cough. I was a classic case of an immune system in trouble. What would go wrong next? One month later most of the pain in my knees was gone and the swelling reduced. Three months later I suddenly realized I was squatting - all of the swelling and pain was gone!

I began taking JC Tonic® because of the pain in my knees, but then I began to notice other improvements as well. I had more energy. I was no longer taking a nap during my lunch hour, or crashing on the couch after work. Instead I was cleaning house (the very last thing on my to do list), volunteering for kitchen duty at the skating rink, and generally enjoying life again. The dark circles under my eyes disappeared; I no longer craved chocolate (I still enjoy chocolate but I no longer prowl the house looking for it); I sleep better; I make fewer trips to the bathroom at night; and I no longer suffer with constipation. Eventually, even my hairdresser commented that my hair was softer and more manageable.

I had another major boost in energy and started doing things that I had been putting off for 12 years. And yet life continued to get better. I wasn't suffering anxiety attacks any more. Even more unexpected (and welcome), my mild depression was staying away.

Now I am handling stress better; my skin is softer; my body is toning up; my blood pressure is stable; and I haven't had a cold or flu in 1½ years. Life is good again!

Many of the changes that I have experienced are small, little things, and taken separately are not very note worthy. But add them all together and it shows that my immune system is improving and my body is starting to heal itself. It would be so interesting if one could see what was going on inside our bodies - we would probably be a lot kinder to ourselves if we could.

I might have begun taking JC Tonic® because of my knees, but there have been so many other improvements in my health. My body doesn't lie to me - JC Tonic® works. Find out for yourself.
Hazel, Florida

JC Tonic® is doing so many things for me. The swelling in my stomach has gone down considerably. Every year I have had to go to the doctor for flu, colds, sinus, and allergies, but since I have been on JC Tonic®, I haven't had to go to the doctor. I am very pleased with how my health is improving. It is so exciting to wake up feeling good.
Marcia, Colorado

I used to be in pain all of the time and my leg used to hurt very badly. When my friend, Connie, told me about the tonic, I did not believe it, but I said I would try it for a week. I felt different that week and have been taking JC Tonic® ever since.

My eyes used to hurt and in the evening, I could hardly see. I was sad and wondered what JC Tonic® could do about this and the little aches and pains I had. I said, "Oh, I am getting older and I do not want this to happen." But now, I am feeling young and I am so happy. JC Tonic® helps me in many areas.

My husband does not sleep well at night. One day I put some tonic in his tea and he slept very well that night, but he does not know anything about this...ha, ha.
Gerald, Wisconsin

I have been on JC Tonic® for over six months. A friend called and told me how JC Tonic® was helping her, so I decided to try it and to my amazement, it started to clean out the toxins from my body. After a week, I stated to get more energy. The dark circles around my eyes have disappeared and I am now getting more deep sleep and having good dreams. The pain in my knee is less and I am now able to mow the lawn and rake the leaves. I thank God for the tonic, which balances my body and my heart. I have a new sense of well being and will continue taking my tonic. Thank you Roger and Anthony for coming to Wisconsin and teaching us about the great benefits of the 18 tonic herbs that give us good health.
Irene, Wisconsin

I have been taking JC Tonic® for over 2 years. The longer I take it the more it does for more. I used to have severe sinus problems. I spent many times in a dark room because of the pressure and headaches. I would get sick to my stomach because of the draining in the back of my throat. Well, I no longer have sinus problems and that sure feels good!

JC Tonic® has improved my sleeping. I always felt I didn't sleep as much as other people. Now that I can sleep, I realize how much my body really needed the sleep that I wasn't getting. I am even dreaming now and even my nails are growing fast.

I think the biggest improvement though was with my knee. About 4 ½ years ago I was supposed to have knee replacement. I had x-rays taken that showed that I was walking bone on bone. I suffered from so much pain that my doctor put me on pain pills and told me that I would have to have my liver tested every 6 weeks. I decided I wasn't going to ruin my liver so I dumped the pain pills and didn't take them.

The first year of being on JC Tonic®, I was still in quite a bit of pain, but then the pain got less. We have an acre of garden and so I do a lot of walking, bending, and lifting. I really can't believe how well I am doing. I know that JC Tonic® is really helping my knee.

JC Tonic® even helped me with a burn. I stepped on a hot glue gun with my big toe and it squirted so hard that I started to get a big blister. I poured JC Tonic® on it, covered it with a bandage, put on a sock and didn't look at it for a few days because I was scared that there was going to be a big blister. Finally, I decided to take my bandage off and I couldn't believe it! There was no blister, no sore, nothing! My toe was just new pink skin. If it does that much for the outside, think what does it does on the inside!
Jack, Wisconsin

I have been drinking JC Tonic® since July 2004. My feet, knees, joints and hands would ache and my feet would be so sore in the morning that I would have a hard time even walking downstairs. I am quite active. I am a weightlifter and a hunter, but this past year my physical activities have decreased tremendously. As a dentist, I began to worry about the problem I was having with my hands. I spoke of the discomfort I was experiencing with a patient of mine, Carolin Hallada.

She told me that she had something that I've got to try. Being in the health profession I was very skeptical about the product and I was thinking to myself, "Yeah right! You're going to have something that's going to work, right?"

At this time I could hardly even walk around the block. My feet and hands would hurt after any physical activity. I then received the information on JC Tonic®. Around that time, I was debating on canceling an elk hunt planned for October due to the soreness in my feet. So, I decided to make the purchase and began drinking JC Tonic® in July.

By early August I was slowly noticing some changes. I was feeling better! I had a lot more energy, and the pain I experienced after activity or standing during work was not as severe. The pain was diminishing and I'm thinking, "Something's going on here. Is this working or isn't it working? I sure do feel a whole lot better than I did a month ago!" When I went hunting in October, I was climbing 1,000 feet to 5,000 feet while carrying a 50-pound pack on my back, and I had no pain. I told my wife, "I can't believe this! My hands are feeling better, and the pain is going away in my ankles and knees."

To this day, I have been drinking one ounce of JC Tonic® on a daily basis. I think that JC Tonic® had a lot to do with my progression from not being able to walk around the block to climbing mountains with men who were ten years younger (and I had more energy)! I am very impressed with my increased energy levels and also the fact that I have absolutely no more "exercise" pain in my joints, hands, or feet. Also my wife has been drinking JC Tonic® for about three weeks and has already felt a difference. I feel great and I wouldn't go without JC Tonic®...it is just unbelievable!
Marlee, Texas

When Joyce came to me, I was in a very deep depression. I suffer from a chemical imbalance. I was also in a lot of pain in my hands, feet and back. After three days I was out of the depression and pain. In the three and a half months on JC Tonic®, I've also begun to loose my spider veins on my legs and grow longer thicker hair. My energy level has gone from next to none to fantastic! I'm 58-years-old and feel 40. I will be on JC Tonic® the rest of my life. Maybe in a few more months I will feel 30!
Bill, Mississippi

In November 2002, I had an automobile accident and broke my knee, hurt my back and was put on pain pills and steroids. They finally had to do surgery in February 2003. The first day back to work, I picked up a 100 pounds, fell back and broke my left shoulder. After six weeks, I got a blood clot. I was put in intensive care for about seven days and the doctor said that I would never work again. It was a miracle that I lived through it. I did not have one blood clot, but a massive pulmonary embolism. My lungs and heart were damaged. I was told to sell my business and go home and die. I was put on meds for pain, for my heart, for depression, water pills, blood thinners, diabetes meds, which was contributed by the steroids which increased my glucose intolerance levels. I got neuropathy in my feet, legs and arms. I have never experienced this type of excruciating pain, night and day. I developed sleep apnea.

Before JC Tonic®, I was $600.00 a month of nutritional supplements, which was barely keeping me alive. A very dear friend in Arkansas asked me to try JC Tonic®. I probably would have said no if it wasn't my friend that suggested it. I received my first bottle and started with one ounce in 64 ounces of purified water. I drank it all before bedtime and I slept better that night than I have slept in a long time. The second day I had more energy, and he pain in my legs, feet, hands, and shoulder lessened so much so that I did not take a pain pill and haven't taken one since. That in itself is amazing! The second night I did not wake up but one time. Normally I was waking five or six times every night. My energy went over the moon the second week. I used to get up at 10 a.m. and now I am getting up at 6 a.m. and staying up all day long. I was told to slow down because I needed some of that energy to help heal my body.

JC Tonic® has totally changed my life. I actually went back to work two days last week. I went for about four to six hours each day. My doctor told me that I would never work again. I am trying to pace myself because my body had atrophied so much and it can not keep up with my energy level. JC Tonic® is awesome - it is life changing!
Mary, Pennsylvania

I have been taking JC Tonic® for four months and am having amazing results. JC Tonic® has helped a great deal with my pain, making it a lot easier for me to cope.

For as long as I can remember, probably as far back as five years old, I have had trouble with my bowels. I would feel so clogged up that my belly would hurt. It was awfully uncomfortable. After only two weeks on the tonic, my body let loose and I am now able to go once a day. It has been a miracle. I've tried natural products and even got colonics, but nothing ever did the trick like JC Tonic® has.

When I started consuming JC Tonic®, I was on prescription medications for allergies, sinus trouble, and to help me sleep at night. Part of the reason I started taking medications was to avoid the terrible headaches I was having. However, when I took the medication along with the tonic, my head would hurt. So I stopped taking my pills in the morning and only took the tonic, without getting a headache. In the evening, I again took the tonic, but this time I also took my medication and the headache came back to haunt me. Now, I only take JC Tonic®. At first my headache would seem to get stronger, but only for a moment and then it would leave me and I would go to bed with absolutely no pain. I don't even need to take aspirin. All these years I have been trying different remedies and I finally found something that helps me - JC Tonic®!

I rode horses as a child and I now have a lot of aches and pains from being thrown off. One time I was thrown against a tree, which resulted in a herniated disc. I have had trouble with that for a long time. I went to get some Rolfing done. Rolfing is a holistic system of soft tissue manipulation and movement. My Rolfer instructed me on his Gyrotonic machine. (Dancers and athletes will usually use this type of machine to help keep their muscles in shape and to prevent injuries. This machine also helps injured people.) He was amazed at what my body could do since I've been on the tonic. I only go to see him once a month. Before JC Tonic®, my body would be out of place by the time of my next appointment, but now my body has opened up and is holding its own. I am doing so well. Thank you, JC Tonic®!
Linda, Ohio

Hi! My name is Linda Davis; I am 42-years-old and live in Zanesville, Ohio. The reason I am writing this is so others can understand how JC Tonic® has impacted my health.

I was born with blood in my kidneys and whiteheads all over my body. From a young age I always had a sore throat, tonsillitis, allergies, and extremely sluggish digestion. All my life, however, I'd been blessed with an incredible amount of energy and will power. My mental capabilities were great and I could think clearly and convey my thoughts.

On January 20, 1998, all the positive things in my life changed. As a result of a motor vehicle accident, I was left with Fibromyalgia; insomnia; constant pain for four and a half years; depression; irritability; and my allergies ballooned. It caused much stress on my marriage.

All of this seems quite impossible to believe, but it's true. My husband and I went to many medical doctors trying to find relief although I didn't have any medical coverage. I had M.R.I.'s and E.M.G.'s. I went to the Pain Management Clinic, which cost us over $8,000. Doctors prescribed different medications, most of which I could not take. All of this was quite costly. We spent over $20,000 trying to find relief. Some of the money we had received from selling our home went for the Pain Clinic. The medical route became very costly and of little to no benefit.

The medications would alter my personality; some would make me aggressive and hateful. Besides these problems, some medications would blur my vision, make me nauseous, and cause muscle stiffness. I couldn't function for weeks, months at a time. Yet, nothing would kill my pain. I couldn't sleep at night on my own without sleeping medicine and then I would have horrible nightmares.

Due to the pain, I would not like my husband to put his arms around me or even touch me. It inhibited any form of recreation because everything caused pain, even playing cards. Simple tasks became insurmountable. If I would shop for groceries, I would lean over my cart and shuffle my feet. I would be so exhausted! When I came home, my husband would bring them into the house. I could put the cold items away, the rest stayed for the next day. Then I would sleep. I was entirely exhausted and would sleep for 2-3 hours. Nothing else would get done. Each day I would do one thing, rarely two. Some days all I could do was cook. Other days, I would do the laundry. My husband would have to carry everything up and down the steps for me. Not only was my husband providing for me, how he had to assume my tasks also. There was one thing I constantly, and that was sleep!

Along with this, I also had a cloudy mentality. I would see what would need to done, like dishes, dusting, or laundry, but could not make a decision on what to do. I became a couch potato because that didn't demand anything of me. My allergies got to the point where I couldn't be around anyone with perfume or cologne. I became more and more isolated from the people I loved.

Then, in May 2002, my life changed! Because of the caring persistence of Joseph O'Rourke, I was introduced to Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic. The first dose and I was able to have a deep sleep. The next morning the pain had left my arms and elbows. My allergies left too. By the second day I was able to be around a large group of my friends for a Bible Educational program. I no longer needed to be in an isolated room!

This was more than enough to make me happy! Yet, other things began to happen to my body as I stayed on JC Tonic®: My digestion is no longer sluggish; my sinuses have cleared; I am mentally alert; my vision has cleared; my taste buds are getting better. My doctor has taken me off of two of my medications. For the first time in four and a half years I can sleep on my own. I am able to breathe out of my nose not my mouth only. My monthly cycle has improved and so has my acne. My friends say I don't look as stressed out. I look back to where I was and wanted you to see it too, and see how I have a life now.

Thinking back to Joseph O'Rourke and how he and Anthony Carl Jurak had contacted me previously, I am grateful! I listened but I didn't respond. For all of you who are deciding, remember my experience - not to feel sorry for me, but to learn. If I would have responded earlier to Joseph and Anthony, then my body would've been able to heal more quickly. It would have saved me incredible stress, pain, and money.

Try JC Tonic®! You and your loved ones will be grateful you did. Thank you Joseph O'Rourke and Anthony for giving me my life back by means of JC Tonic®.
Juanita, Colorado

My sister, Jean, and her husband, Lenny, told me about JC Tonic®. I had tried everything everyone else had told me about, but with little results, so I did not want to try the tonic. It was not until Joe, a friend of Len and Jean, talked with my husband.

My husband is not sick, but he needed more energy, so we bought JC Tonic®. I thought since the tonic was in the refrigerator, I would try it. I am so happy that my husband brought JC Tonic® into my life because now I can get out of bed with little or no pain. I am happy and so is my family, because we all got our lives back. Thank you Anthony for this incredible tonic.

P.S. My husband did get the energy he wanted.
Cassie, Dene

In February of 2002, I started taking JC Tonic®. Immediately people noticed how beautiful my skin was. The pain subsided and I felt great. I definitely would recommend JC Tonic®. When I miss a dose, the pain returns and my energy level decreases.

One week ago, I fractured my ankle in two places. Because of JC Tonic® I have healed better; the swelling and the pain went away faster. I am able to have a balloon cast where I can walk without crutches.

If you have tried everything, you have so much to gain from taking JC Tonic®. Isn't it worth feeling better and being able to enjoy life? Try it…. you will be amazed!
Faye, Iowa

Since taking JC Tonic®, I have more energy, not as much muscle pain and better sleep at night. I'm a professional signer/entertainer and full-time church secretary. More benefits to come! I am so excited to have JC Tonic® in my life.
James, Illinois

Before JC Tonic®: Low energy, ringing ears, moody, up and down emotions, little strength, aches, pain in hip and other joints, slow depressed thought processes, weight and girth gain, taking lots of supplements, weak voice, tire easily, naps, too much sleep, "hungers" and addictions.

JC Tonic® seems to serve as a silent, competent, knowledgeable, persistent personal trainer for me. Within one month after beginning to use it: junk foods will not stay in my body so I eat much less of them, my waist has decreased 2 inches, my attitude is much more hopeful, positive and even, my mind and mental processes are much clearer, my energy level is considerably higher and more balanced, I drink more water, I walk more, the aches and pains are gone, toxins have left my body, supplement usage is way down and eating good food in modest amounts is regular. JC Tonic® is a catalyst for positive changes and healthy thoughts, words, and actions.

As a new sexagenarian (60), I feel the best I have ever felt! A man knows he's a man when he wakes up in the morning. For several years, I had lost that indicator. Now I again know that I am a healthy man when I wake up every morning, and it feels good to be aware of that!

There are a lot of people who would like to feel better and some who aren't open to the possibility. People need reasonably priced, guaranteed health and wellness products that they can believe in and trust to work without dangerous side effects, and JC Tonic® meets all those criteria perfectly! It is the simplest, easiest, most quickly workable product I have ever known. Many people I've offered a sample to have become excited and have a hopeful belief in the return of healthy wellness with the vigor, vitality, and energy that makes life worth living!

My 89-year young mother has relief from shoulder pain and has stopped using pain medication since beginning to use JC Tonic®. My wife has much more energy for her work, yard, and home projects since taking JC Tonic®. Her back and leg pain have lessened considerably.

We are a much-improved JC Tonic® family, and we just keep getting better every day! At a recent 20-year gathering of friends, they all said I was the only one who looked younger now than I did then!
Carolin, Wisconsin

My husband and I both started on JC Tonic® on March 23, 2002. Going through my change of life, I had no energy at all and had mood swings all day long. The tonic gave me constant energy and no more mood swings. It has helped my sleeping problems and my digestive problems. My nervous leg syndrome is gone. No more cravings for sweets and salty junk food. My skin has improved. I've been going to an ophthalmologist once a year for over 20 years. I've been on the verge of glaucoma. All these years, he has checked the pressure in my eyes and it has been between 22 and 24 (I was close to going on medication). This last November, my pressure was down to 18!!!!!! The doctor was amazed. I crushed the bones on the top of my foot 38 years ago and couldn't even touch that part of my foot all these years. Why is the pain gone? It's JC Tonic®!!!!

The longer I am on this fantastic product, the more results I am having!! I know I will take JC Tonic® for the rest of my life.
Dave, Wisconsin

I don't have anymore acid reflux problems; the pain in my joints is gone; there is no more hurting in my shoulders and legs; the ringing in my ears has declined; I don't have constipation anymore; I sleep better; I don't wake up at night; and I get a better rest. My cholesterol went down. I've had a bad farm accident and was on Vicadin (a very strong pain pill). After my 6th surgery, Joseph O'Rourke said to take 2 oz of JC Tonic® a day when I came home from the hospital. I did and the pain was gone, and I never took another pain pill. I now have more sustained energy, but not hyper energy. I can work and think more clearly. I just have an all-around better sense of well-being. All this energy creates a much more positive attitude the whole daylong.

This is the most wonderful product and company that we have been a part of. We share the product with people everyday. We want to thank Anthony and Roger for sharing this with us, and Joseph O'Rourke for telling us about JC Tonic®. We are very proud to be a part of this company and are impacting world health.
Florence, Wisconsin

On May 22, 2002, Irene Borkowski introduced me to JC Tonic® and I'd like to thank her for that, as well as Anthony and Roger.

I stubbed my toe very hard many years ago. It was very sensitive to the touch and hurt at times. That's all gone. My digestion has improved. I can eat things that I couldn't before, such as raw onions, chili and spaghetti. I can eat them now with gusto. Also, about the time I was ready to go to sleep, I'd get terrible pain and have to sit up for a long time. That's all gone. Now the dog and I snack on cheese or herring just before going to bed with no problem.

My hearing was very bad. I couldn't hear well on the phone and the voices on TV were jumbled. Last November, I was listening to a phone conference call, straining my ear to catch every word. I put the receiver to left ear and to my alarm, it was mute. I couldn't hear a whisper. Several months later, I started to hear the man giving the news on TV. Then I noticed I could hear better on the phone. I can now put the receiver on my left ear and hear. I also heard the phone ring while I was in another room, which I couldn't do before.

My circulation has improved. I sleep with just a few light covers. I have reduced my nighttime trips to the bathroom from five to two.

I went to the beauty shop. The operator ran her fingers through my hair and said, "You have a lot of hair." Then again she said, "Your hair is very think." That was the golden opportunity to tell her why it was so thick. Before taking JC Tonic®, it was falling out and getting thin. I explained how JC Tonic® would cleanse your blood and the blood would go to the top of your head to the tips of your toes.

My night driving has improved. A year ago, the lights blinded me. Recently, I have been on the road a dozen times at night without fear. My eyes aren't watering a much. That condition was bad for daytime driving.

For year I had pain. First, pain below the left knee, then sever pain in the left thigh and my back has improved. Some days are pain-free and that is Seventh Heaven. Two years ago I would shop at the mall and use an electric cart. Now I go on my own power.

I never show my ID card when I ask for a senior discount. My face has a lot of wrinkles. One day I asked for a senior discount and this intelligent looking girl said, "You have to be 55 or older." I said, "Thanks for the compliment, I'm 86." She called another girl over to tell her I was 86. They said, "What do you eat?" I told them I take JC Tonic® and told them more about it. I feel they judged my mobility, as I didn't have a cane, walker or wheelchair.

I shop for groceries weekly and sometimes see a friend who comments, "How have you been this winter?" I say, "Wonderful! No colds or flu. I'm taking JC Tonic®." That is my opener to tell about JC Tonic® and what it has done for me.

I had more energy, but I wanted that burst of energy most people experience when taking JC Tonic®. This story is a little off the cuff. Many years ago, my brother invited us for New Year's Eve. He said he'd serve martinis and after one or two you would get "the glow." I had never heard that expression before. One Thursday night, it happened. I listened to the JCWW phone conference call that ends at 9 p.m. our time. Other nights, I would have headed for bed. I was wide-awake and called my cousin to congratulate her on her wonderful testimonial.

It was almost 10 p.m., but I wanted to talk JC Tonic® some more. I called my mentor, Carolin Hallada, and talked for a long time. Still full of energy, I wrote a letter to a friend who had a stroke. Usually, I'd write a sentence and wonder what to say next. That night my mind was as sharp as a tack. The words just flowed from my pen. I completed a few more projects. I thought, how will I tell my daughter in the morning of this glad-to-be-alive feeling? And then I knew. I had "the glow" and it wasn't from drinking a martini, but from a shot of JC Tonic®.
Dennis, Colorado

I just want to share my experience on using JC Tonic®. For several years I have suffered with pain in my hands and knees. Last year it was getting so painful that when I would sit down for any length of time and then get up, the pain in my knees would be so bad that I would actually have to just stand there for a few minutes before I could walk. Then all of that changed.

A fellow worker of mine, Ken Glenn, shared with me these tonic herbs that he had been taking. He told me of the benefits that he and his family were getting, so I figured that I had nothing lose. I purchased my first box from him and to my amazement the pain in my hands and knees began to subside within three or four days. Shortly after that I was experiencing no pain at all. I have been on the product now for about five months. Not only do I see and feel a big difference in my health, but my co-workers also can see the change. I sleep much better at night and wake up with more energy than ever before.

I definitely recommend JC Tonic® for everyone. If it could help me with my problems, I am confident that others will benefit just as well. All of this happened at the best of time also. I retired from Coors Brewing Company after 30 years of service. Now I can really look forward to my retirement because of the better health that I have.
Sybil, Georgia

Thanks for this wonderful product. I have chronic pain and hurt all over. Some days I could barely move. Just to touch my shoulder or arms would make me squeal in pain! After one week, and I do mean one week, the pain was gone and I no longer need to prescription glasses I've been wearing for five years.

I know it sounds to good to be true, but this tonic is the best and it works. If you have pain, just please, please try JC Tonic®.
Shirley, Wisconsin

I am 57 years old and I take and ounce of JC Tonic® a day, sometimes and ounce and a half. First of all, THANK YOU Debra Janz and Roger for eaves dropping in on our conversation at the restaurant where my friends and I were having lunch one Sunday. Roger gave me a one ounce monodose and by Thursday night's meeting I bought more.

Before starting on JC Tonic®, I was ready to quite my job, which was only nine to fifteen hours a week, because I didn't have the stamina or energy to do it. I would go to the chiropractor at least once a week if not two or three times. My medical history includes two car accidents that really messed up my neck, degenerative arthritic disease in my spine (bottom 3 discs are affected), fibromyalgia, gout, bursitis of the hips for 20 years, rheumatoid arthritis in my hands, carpal tunnel, fibrous tumors of the ankles, fallen arches, arthritis and tendonitis in both shoulders, tendonitis in my right elbow, hot flashes, constipation, trouble sleeping, allergies to all medications, rhinitis, sinus problems, Barrett's Esophagus, circulation problems, low energy, low blood pressure, muscle cramps throughout my body, and shortness of breath when I tried to exercise. I am hard of hearing in both ears, sugar intolerant and lactose intolerant. I have problems with my knees and numbness in both of my hands. I had constant pain in my hands, hips, feet, neck and back. My hands were swollen all the time and becoming numb. My left thumb had shooting pain and a spur about the size of a marble growing on the knuckle. Being allergic to pain medication, I couldn't take anything for the pain. I had dropped a butcher knife into my right foot, got four stitches and the pain never went away. I dropped a hot iron on my arm about a week later. My hands couldn't hold anything anymore.

After I started to drink JC Tonic®, it was only five days later and I was sleeping better and after six days the swelling in my ankles wend down. In two months the swelling was gone. After nine months of continuous pain from the knife injury in my foot, it now doesn't hurt anymore and the scar disappeared after being on the tonic seven weeks. The scar from the iron has almost disappeared too. They were both a very dark brown. I always did scar easily. I don't bruise easily anymore. What difference does that make? A lot, because I would just bump up against something and get a big, dark, ugly bruise and it would hurt for days. The doctors couldn't explain it.

After ten days it was like someone turned on a switch inside me and my energy came back like I hadn't felt since before my hysterectomy in 2000. After my hysterectomy I was put on a very strong hormone. It actually made me very sick. I felt I must have been allergic to it, but the doctor refused to take me off of it and put me on something else. I finally told him he had better let me try something else or I would quit it all together. So he put me on a lesser dose of another brand. After I was diagnosed with Barrett's Esophagus, I asked to be put on a patch to bypass my stomach. My nutritionist agreed, but the patch still gave me problems. Being on JC Tonic® only six weeks took care of all these problems.

Being sugar intolerant and having cravings for sugar was not a good thing. By three weeks, I didn't have any sugar cravings. Many things started to happen at the six week mark of taking JC Tonic®. My acid reflux was much better. I am off the two medications I was on and am now only drinking JC Tonic®. I still have to watch what I am eating. Not having to take the two medications I was on alone is saving me over $77.00 a month. I am saving on other supplements and chiropractic treatments also. I only go to the chiropractor once a month, so I figure that saves me around $200-$300 a month.

The pain in my hips was so bad that I couldn't sleep at night. My hips were constantly going out of place causing he pain. After six weeks on JC Tonic® the pain was completely gone. Seven weeks marked another turn in health. My constipation problem corrected itself and also my knees improved.

One morning I woke up with a hot burning sensation going up my spine. It felt great. My back is doing better all the time. I took at 200 mile drive in the car recently, which I haven't been able to do for three years, and I had no problem with sitting or cramps and I felt good when I got home.

After eight weeks I noticed that I wasn't having sinus problems like I usually did during the spring/fall months. My circulation is much better and I am not cold all the time. I can sleep good now with a fan on. That is great because I used to sleep all summer with two blankets on. The spur on my hand disappeared after about eight weeks on the JC Tonic®. The movement started to come back. The swelling is now gone during the day and my hands are beginning to look normal, the knuckles are not as deformed looking as before.
Joyce, Ohio

I was having terrible pains in my right arm, neck, and shoulder for the last three months. I had to use my left hand to help my right side to motivate. I had gone to the doctor five times for different medications, the chiropractor five times, and even had a cortisone shot. Nothing helped.

I was introduced to JC Tonic® one day at 11:30 a.m. and at 3:30 p.m. I realized that I was using my arm without help or pain. Thank you!
Inez, Florida

I would like to start out my JC Tonic® experience by saying how wonderfully it has worked for me. My first monodose made a great change in my hands. I could not bend my fingers without feeling pain, but as I drank the tonic, I felt the pain leaving my hands. Since then, I have been hooked, and I know it is helping me health-wise. Also, it gives me more energy.
William, Canada

I started using JC Tonic® and within two to three weeks, I started to see small changes and in the next month, I started to improve. I walk well, with no pain and my knee is better. I take one monodose of tonic everyday, sometimes two, and I am 74- years-old.
Judith, Wisconsin

I have been physically challenged for 15 years with chronic lower back pain, headaches, sleeplessness, and chronic fatigue, just to name a few. I have been under chiropractic care for the past nine years, having to have adjustments three to five times a week. For the past two years, I have had to use a cane to aid in my walking and my walking was very limited as to how far and how fast. I was a mess. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired!!

I started to take JC Tonic® and within 6 weeks I felt like a changed person, physically and emotionally. I praise God for that, and thank him for giving the formula to Anthony's father. Two hours after I took my first mono-dose of JC Tonic®, I was able to walk down the block and back without too much difficulty. That night I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow and slept through the night, waking early in the morning rested, renewed, alert and with more energy than I have had in a very long time. I have no need or desire for daytime naps anymore. By the end of seven days, I was walking 10 blocks in a 20-minute period, twice, and some days three times, WITHOUT A CANE!!!

When I went to the chiropractor, one week after taking JC Tonic®, he could not believe the difference in me. I could get out of the chair quickly, without difficulty and I walked lively, without the use of a cane and I climbed the stairs like a teenager. I even adjusted easier! Now I only have to go to him once every two weeks!

Since being on the tonic, I do not have headaches, which for years were a daily thing for me, no more sleeplessness, I have a lot more energy, I am more alert, my intense pain is gone, and my tiredness is gone. My blood sugars are under control, for the first time in 20 years, and I seem to notice new things happening each day. Happy and healthy I am becoming. For the first time in my life, when I look in the mirror, I like that person looking back at me. I have struggled with a poor self-image all my life, but now when I walk down the street or hallway and meet someone, I look them in the eye, smile and greet them, instead of hanging my head and looking at my shoes until they pass by me.

It is great to feel well and happy again. It has been a very long time in coming. Anthony, thank you for continuing the work your father began years ago. I am happy and excited to be on your team, sharing with others on how they too can be healthier and happier. God bless you!
Letter from Michael E. LaCourt, D.C. re: Judith Miller

Dear Sirs:

We write this letter concerning the apparent improved health condition of Judy Miller, our longstanding patient of years. We write this with her permission.

Judy upon entering our office presented with severe spinal distress. She was unable to walk well and needed the use of a cane as crutch. She also tolerated countless sleepless nights. We made comprehensive examinations and x-ray studies. Judy has endured muscle spasms as a protective mechanism. At times she was unable to come to our office.

Our treatment has been conservative in nature consisting primarily of specific corrective chiropractic spinal adjustments. We have met with some amount of moderate success, but Judy was still advised to maintain regular adjustments at a frequency of no less than once per week and often twice per week. She simply did not "hold" her adjustments well. She has also been unusually prone to aggravations and exacerbations from events that would not normally be harmful to someone like her, with a similar condition.

We have been aware that recently Judy has been making more remarkable progress than before and has needed fewer and fewer adjustments. At first we thought she had found an exercise regimen or changed her diet or had "behaved" with her activities. When we inquired of Judy what she had been doing she had informed us of the use and taking of your product as being the only change she had made.

Since we have working with Judy (spanning many years) we have never seen her in such a state of comfort for such a long period of time. She no longer relies on a cane as crutch. We also noticed that her chiropractic adjustments are "holding" much longer than before.

Judy no longer complains and she has her wonderful smile back on her face. We seldom note muscle spasms and we have found that her schedule of treatment with this office has been, necessarily, reduced. Her last adjustment was a month ago.

One can speculate through education and observe through symptomotology the far-reaching effects of a healthy nervous system. Since our bodies rely on our nervous system for coordination of all functions, a healthy nervous tissue is essential to every tissue cell and thus to the integrity of all body processes. Judy reports sleeping well at night. Her ability to be increasingly active is a huge stride in the healing arena. She is not home bound as was often the case in her history and driving is reportedly no longer a fear to her.

We have noticed a change of attitude with Judy. She always did maintain hope and faith; she now does so with an inspiring spring. The product she has been using has evidently and obviously helped her in many facets of her life. Judy has ignited this office into further interest of this product. If it an do all these wonderful things for her, then we are quite interested in what it may do for other patients as well. Judy has apparently found, after countless searches, the right product for her.
Cathy, South Dakota

I am writing to let you know how JC Tonic® has improved my health and reduced my pain. I can get right out of bed and walk upright immediately and I expect my hands to improve. My fingernails would never grow before because they were soft, worn down or broke, but now they have to be filed.
Mary, Montana

My name is Mary Murphy. I am 53-years-old and I have been taking JC Tonic® for a little over 4 months. I was a little skeptical at first because I have tried other things with many claims, but I am older and a few more things are going on with my body. Besides menopause, I have lots of pain everywhere. I do not slow down for anything; too many things to do and things I want to try. I just deal with whatever pain comes up.

When I was losing energy and not wanting to do all that I can do I felt I needed to make drastic changes. A friend said I should try this tonic. I tried it for one month and noticed my joints weren't so sore. I slept wonderfully and some days I just could have slept all day (which is a sign that the tonic is working, but unusual for me). It wasn't just a sleep, it was a wonderful deep sleep with no dreams. I woke up full of energy and ready for the day. I could work all day long even into the evening feeling my old self. My daughter was amazed at how much I could get done. This is landscaping, digging, lifting – not normal women things unless you have help. I did not wake up sore and beat in the morning, it was like I had exercised and woke up ready to do it again. Fabulous feeling.

I was also doing 1-2 mile brisk walks and lifting hand weights etc. at 6:30 am before preparing for work. I am losing weight. I believe I could stand to lose 20 more pounds. I feel great about myself. My attitude it better and I can cope better with day-to-day stress. I love life and getting up in the morning.

A little funny story…I have beta fish that I'm sort of attached to. One was dying and I felt so bad I did not want to loose him. I put several drops of the tonic in the water every day for a week and the fish would just stay in that spot. Then about 7 days later he was swimming around frisky and excited to see me again. Now I have my cat on the tonic too.

I have also been horse back riding. Even though I haven't been on a horse in twenty years I was not sore the next day. I am just amazed at this tonic.
David, Florida

I feel like a new man, looking and feeling good, with lots of energy and no pain. My leg was stiff. Roger told me to take two monodoses of tonic for a few days. In four days, my leg was not stiff anymore; I was dancing and my wife, Ruthie, asked me what I was doing. I told her that the problem was gone. Thank you Roger!
Ruthie, Florida

I am a 61-year-old woman, pain free and looking and feeling good thanks to JC Tonic®. People ask me daily what I do that keeps me happy and smiling. I let them know that I am an Ambassador of Health, taking and sharing tonic herbs. The next word out of their mouth is, "Where can I get it from?" We exchange phone numbers and I make sure they get the tonic. What a joy to help people from your heart.

I began using JC Tonic® and found the product to be a great help. Now, four years later, I am still free of pain and tiredness. All of that is behind me! I noticed immediate changes within my body after using JC Tonic® for only a few days. I can't imagine life without JC Tonic®. It will soon be five years that I have faithfully used Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic and I am still very much healthy, happy and 65 years young!
Joanna, North Dakota

My name is Joanna Nelson and I am 81-years-old. I started taking JC Tonic® on December 28, 2001. The first thing I noticed was extra energy. About two weeks after taking JC Tonic®, the pain in my hip stopped. I can now walk downtown and climb stairs again. I have not taken any pain medication since.

Before using JC Tonic® my legs were very weak. I could only stand for very brief periods of time, less than two minutes. Now I can do my normal activities and enjoy cooking, walking, bowling and participating fully in church services without additional support or having to sit down.

I have struggled with sinus problems for several years. After taking JC Tonic® for the past three months, I can breathe much easier and now sleep a full night without the use of a humidifier.

I feel much more energetic and pain-free today. JC Tonic® has been my miracle tonic!
Cheri, Arizona

In 1971 I was in a motorcycle wreck and sustained some serious injuries, including fracturing my skull. My entire right side was partially paralyzed and I had a lot of pain in my left hip. Headaches were unbearable. I took prescription medication and a lot of extra strength Excedrin.

I was introduced to JC Tonic® almost 3 years ago, at which time I was using other herbs that helped my headaches a little and I felt somewhat better. I decided to try JC Tonic® and start taking an ounce a day. I instantly felt improved energy, my thoughts were clearer and my balance improved some.

My husband, John, came across some vitamins that he insisted I try. They didn't cost as much so I figured I'd give them a try. I began waking up in a fog. I felt lethargic all of the time and I just didn't feel good. The person who introduced me to JC Tonic® called me from time to time so I decided to go back on JC Tonic®. I had more energy and the fog went away. Then my sponsor, Carson Mansfield, called and told me about a meeting that would be conducted here. My husband and I decided to attend and we were told to start taking two ounces of JC Tonic® a day. I did and I can't believe the difference it made for me. My arthritis plain in my hip has lessened, my energy level is higher, my memory is better since my accident and skull fracture, my balance is better and I'm faster on my feet now. Mentally I am more alert and thinking clearer and faster. Also my night sweats and mood swings have disappeared.

I used to think people just felt worse as they grew older, but at 53, JC Tonic® turned that around. Now, I feel like my motor has been tuned up and I'm feeling 40 again. My zip is back!

Thank you, Carson, for not giving up on me and thank you JC Tonic® for giving me back my life!
Maria, Florida

I started taking JC Tonic® and my pain is gone. I am very happy that my daughter, Gladys, introduced me to JC Tonic®.
Barbara, Iowa

For 35 years, I had a large goiter and for 20 years I have had psoriasis. Also, ten years ago, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I could not move my arms above my head for 7 years. My triglycerides and cholesterol were out of whack. My triglyceride level was 480 and my cholesterol was 300. My blood pressure has been running 180 over 98.

I've been to several doctors and tried many remedies and nothing has helped me. I felt like an old dishrag, limp and worn out. I've been to one specialist after another. I also have been on a variety of medications, none of which worked.

For the past ten years, I was extremely depressed, bitter, angry, and felt like I was walking in a fog. I went to my chiropractor for pain management and it was there that I met Tiffany Bizios. She introduced me to JC Tonic®. She had much faith in this product, and I could see it in her eyes. At first, I was skeptical of something that could truly help me because, at this point in time, I had given up. It took me a couple of days of prayer before the Lord convinced me to take it. I could not believe the energy I felt after only taking one monodose. I did experience a slight headache, but it didn't discourage me since I hadn't felt this kind of energy in over ten years. Day by day, I have noticed a change. Before I could only sleep for an hour without pain, and now I can sleep up to seven restful hours.

After one week, I noticed my psoriasis had cleared up. After three weeks, I am now able to move my arms above my head, I am doing aerobics again, my triglycerides are 180, my cholesterol is 150, my blood pressure has leveled and is now 120 over 76, and I have also lost 15 pounds. To add to my excitement, I was in the bathroom fixing my hair, and I had on a loose fitting shirt; my husband of 24 years walked in to get something and said, "Barb, look at your neck, that goiter is starting to shrink!" I left the bathroom to go try on some turtlenecks that I could never wear comfortably. Now they fit loose and some of my necklaces fit now too. This was truly a miracle to me. I cleared out a quarter size mucus plug out of my sinuses the other day, and then my hearing improved also. I was not even aware of this problem. My skin is fresh and supple again, and my age spots are disappearing.

At this point, I was feeling so good I decided to share this wonderful product with my family and friends. So I joined the company and had a meeting at my home. I was anxious to show all my friends—who saw me suffer for so many years—the new me! Seventeen people came to the meeting, and their reaction was one of total amazement and disbelief. Almost everyone bought the tonic, and two of them registered with Jurak. Already, the product is helping most of them.

I feel good, and I look good! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, Tiffany Bizios, for caring enough about me to introduce me to JC Tonic®. I also want to thank Anthony Jurak for passing down his father's formula to continue helping people. Thank you for such a wonderful product, so I can enjoy my life again. Thanks so much!
Fredric, Nebraska

I have been taking JC Tonic® for 11 months. The results have just been terrific! When I took my first ounce of JC Tonic®, I noticed that my sinuses started to drain down my throat about 30 minutes after taking it. Now I can actually breathe better without the clogged sinuses or headaches that came along with sinus problems.

I also had some digestive problems, and I have noticed that since I started taking JC Tonic®, I am regular.

When I started driving a garbage truck about one month before getting on JC Tonic®, my knees began to hurt really bad, and I noticed some swelling in them. I went to the doctor; he did some X-rays and said he couldn't find anything. He gave me some medicine, but I didn't take it. I wanted to see if JC Tonic® was going to take care of this problem. And it did! About two months later, I felt no more pain and all the swelling had gone.

Along with increased energy, more alertness, and a calmer sense of well-being, this product has lived up to what it was supposed to and much more. I feel better each and every month, thanks to JC Tonic®. I want to thank my sponsor, Valerie Long, for sharing this product and business opportunity with my family, and I hope that we all continue to "Give The People Of The World What They Need Before They Know They Need It".
Eva, Florida

Ruthie Neal invited me to her product meeting. I had been praying to the Lord to send me something to help me with my health and relieve some of my pain and JC Tonic® did just that. I also lost ten pounds. My doctor didn't even give me eye drops or glasses. My skin rashes are gone and I look ten years younger. The crying spells are gone. I give credit to JC Tonic®. Thank you to Anthony, Roger and Team Jurak. I am 73 years young and hooked on JC Tonic® for life.
Marie, Colorado

Lenny introduced me to the tonic and when I took one, I started to feel better. I have been on the tonic for a year already and I can say that I do not have fibromyalgia anymore. I am not in pain, I am not depressed, my hot flashes are gone and I am sleeping through the night. In fact, I am having a hard time waking up in the morning.
Christine, Colorado

I have problems related to a complete nervous breakdown that I had back in the early 90's. During that time, I started developing all kinds of problems related to the nervous system. Everything from depression, panic attacks and anxiety attacks. I had severe sciatic nerve pain. I knew eventually I was going to have to have surgery.

In those last eleven years, I had a time period that I had gone through the orthodox route of medication and nothing worked. The pain had become so severe that eventually I developed fibromyalgia. I don't know which is worse, experiencing a nervous break down or having chronic pain that is so severe there is absolutely no sleep. After dealing with this over a period of time, I sought alternative treatment through a homeopathic practitioner. It helped to some degree, but the problem kept reoccurring and whenever I would go back they would treat one system at a time. I always had to go back and repeat the treatment and it just wasn't going away. When the fibromyalgia hit about 2 years ago, I had finally reached my limit of pain tolerance. I developed suicidal tendencies. I no longer wanted to live. Then I met a friend who asked me if I had tried JC Tonic®. She said she knew several people who had wonderful experiences with JC Tonic®.

I called Lenny Atencio and we spent a couple hours on the phone. His experience so moved my heart. I purchased two boxes of JC Tonic® and began taking it. My husband began taking it too and he had immediate results. He had instant energy. For me, it took about ten days. Within ten days, without even noticing what was happening, things were changing in my body. I remember one morning waking up and I started moving my arms around. I thought, "Where is the fibromyalgia? It's gone!!" Then I noticed that the sciatic nerve pain started to dissipate and the depression started going away. I had a feeling of well being that I had not had in many years.

I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing on the market as remarkable as JC Tonic® because I have tried everything else. This works on not only one part of the body, but on all the systems of the body. Anthony, thank you, thank you, thank you!
Cindy, New York

I am a 43-year-old woman. I was born with Cerebral Palsy. As far back as I can remember I was in pain due to muscle spasms, four messed up disks in my back, bone spurs on my spine, scoliosis, a deteriorating hip socket and arthritis throughout my body. The arthritis in my neck is so bad it was comparable to a 70-year-old person. I've had calluses on my feet since childhood. I've always had sinus problems. Then I found out I had chronic recurring depression.

Larry, my husband, is 46 years old. He was born with one foot, one ankle and no toes, and only three fingers. He also lost his spleen due to a motorcycle accident he was in. He has had to worry about getting pressure cysts and red irritated patches of skin on his legs due to the prosthesis he must use to walk. Having lost his spleen, he would suffer with colds, sinus problems and flu continuously through out the winter months, despite the fact he got a flu shot each year. The skin on his hands was very dry and calloused from working so much. My husband and I both work full time despite our physical challenges. It hasn't been easy.

I was visiting our good friend, Birdie Crandall. She had talked to Carson Mansfield about trying JC Tonic®. She said it was better than anything we'd ever tried. I took some on the spot. Well, let me tell you, in about ten minutes my arms began to tingle. The cyst in my wrist stopped hurting. About twenty minutes later, on my way home, my sinuses opened up. That night when I went to bed my feet began to tingle. I slept six hours or so without being awakened by muscle spasms or pain from my arthritis. My back pain eased up. In the morning I felt great. I got out of bed so fast I had to look back and see if it was really me that got up. Two and a half months later, I cut the medication I was taking in half. About three and a half months later, I stopped taking all my medication. I have had calluses since childhood that would get so bad they would crack and bleed. I started soaking my feet in JC Tonic® and water. Now they are clearing up. My calluses are almost gone. I went to my doctor for a check up last week and my sugar level is perfect at 90 and my blood pressure is 120 over 80 also perfect. Just over our months now. Most of the pain I had lived with for years is gone. I'm living life to the fullest and loving it.

Larry hasn't gotten sick at all this winter. He didn't get a flu shot this year. His sinuses cleared up. He didn't even get a cold or the flu. His pressure cysts and the irritated skin disappeared and haven't come back.
John, Florida

JC Tonic® has improved my vision and my thinking ability. It has also corrected my hip pain that was regularly a bother.
Janice, Canada

My father introduced me to herbal supplements in 1988. I suffer from mild anxiety attacks and bouts of depression. In 1996, because I felt healthy and was also broke, I stopped taking the herbal supplement. I stayed relatively healthy for about eighteen months.

I had been told that when you turn 40 years old your body starts to fall apart. Skeptical, I laughed. In June of 2000, at 43, both of my knees became sore and swollen - it hurt to walk and stand; kneeling or squatting was impossible. It felt like someone was shoving knives into my knees when I put the slightest pressure on them. Life was no longer fun. I asked my father for some of the herbal supplement I used to take. He referred me to a better product - Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic.

By the time started taking JC Tonic® my list of ailments also included a nagging, persistent cough. I was a classic case of an immune system in trouble. What would go wrong next? One month later most of the pain in my knees was gone and the swelling reduced. Three months later I suddenly realized I was squatting - all of the swelling and pain was gone!

I began taking JC Tonic® because of the pain in my knees, but then I began to notice other improvements as well. I had more energy. I was no longer taking a nap during my lunch hour, or crashing on the couch after work. Instead I was cleaning house (the very last thing on my to do list), volunteering for kitchen duty at the skating rink, and generally enjoying life again. The dark circles under my eyes disappeared; I no longer craved chocolate (I still enjoy chocolate but I no longer prowl the house looking for it); I sleep better; I make fewer trips to the bathroom at night; and I no longer suffer with constipation. Eventually, even my hairdresser commented that my hair was softer and more manageable.

I had another major boost in energy and started doing things that I had been putting off for 12 years. And yet life continued to get better. I wasn't suffering anxiety attacks any more. Even more unexpected (and welcome), my mild depression was staying away.

Now I am handling stress better; my skin is softer; my body is toning up; my blood pressure is stable; and I haven't had a cold or flu in 1½ years. Life is good again!

Many of the changes that I have experienced are small, little things, and taken separately are not very note worthy. But add them all together and it shows that my immune system is improving and my body is starting to heal itself. It would be so interesting if one could see what was going on inside our bodies - we would probably be a lot kinder to ourselves if we could.

I might have begun taking JC Tonic® because of my knees, but there have been so many other improvements in my health. My body doesn't lie to me - JC Tonic® works. Find out for yourself.
Ken, North Dakota

I have been using Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic since June 2001. In the first part of October, I had dental work done on one of my teeth. The next day that tooth was so sensitive, but I thought it would go away by itself. Needless to say, it only became worse and was so sensitive that I called the dentist's office and was told to use Prevident. The pain just got worse.

When I called the dentist's office on October 28th, I was told I had to wait until the next week to see anyone. The pain was so bad that it woke me up in the middle of the night and my tooth was throbbing. I called my Ambassador who sells me JC Tonic®, as I was out, and went to her house to get a box. She told me to take a dose right away, so I took one at her house. The pain started to lessen almost immediately. She then encouraged me to take two a day, instead of just the one I had been taking.

I am happy to report that after two days of taking JC Tonic® twice a day, the pain went away completely, and I could eat food on that side of my mouth again. A big thanks for the JC Tonic®.
Ruth, Arkansas

For over one year, I have had a severe pain in my right heel. I was placed on two expensive prescription drugs, an ice pack to put on my heel four times a day for the pain, and I had to have an elevated heel put on my shoe, because of the tension on the tendon. I could not walk flat. Two cortisone shots were injected into my heel and I tried several different herbs, with limited results. The bone doctor told me I had to cut out back of my shoe and this helped a great deal.

Since starting JC Tonic® about four months ago, the pain in my heel has gradually diminished. Now I am able to wear a regular SAS shoe and I am able to place the back of my heel on the mattress without discomfort. Prior to this, I had to have my foot elevated or hanging off the mattress. In just four months, my heel is almost perfect.

My chronic fatigue level, which has been severe, seems to be better too. I cannot wait to see how all of this will be in a few more months. Praise the Lord, JCWW, Anthony Jurak and Roger Theriault.
Dorothy, Florida

I had been in pain for more than six months last year. I could not eat, talk, or brush my teeth. Most of last year, I was very sick and lost 20-25 pounds. All my friends and co-workers said that they could see pain on my face and hear it in my voice. I would wait until the pain came and try to brush my teeth and I was up most of the night walking, because I just could not rest. One of my doctors told me surgery would correct the problem. At one point, I was thinking about having the surgery to relieve some of the pain. I started to puree all my foods, in a blender, to get something in my body. My doctor was thinking of putting me in the hospital.

In June of last year, I started drinking JC Tonic®. After a few doses, I noticed the swelling in my face had gone down. I began to feel happy again. I started eating and gained back 10 pounds. It was a miracle. In July of last year, I was able to go to my class reunion and had a wonderful time. Thank you for JC Tonic®.
We continue to receive success stories as more and more people try JC Tonic®.

Try it for yourself and see the difference it will make in your life.



Back Pain
Blood Pressure
Blood Sugar
Body Aches
Digestive System
Female Health
Hot Flashes
Immune System
Joint Systems
Mental Health
Nervous System
Night Sweats
Respiratory System
Urinary System
Water Retention
Weight Management
Well Being
Disclaimer: JC TONIC® is a dietary supplement not a drug. Therefore, it is useful in effecting the structure and/or function of your body in various ways. However, it is not intended to and will not cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. Success Stories like those presented reflect truthful and actual experiences of individuals who have consumed JC TONIC® and have chosen to express their opinion regarding its personal use and the positive results they have achieved. Their point of view however may not be all encompassing and does not constitute scientific evidence that JC TONIC® will cause similar results in others including yourself nor are these statements representative of individual results you may anticipate. Jurak World Wide does not make any such drug or treatment claims for its products.

The entire contents of this Website are subject to copyright protection. The content available on this Website is the property of Jurak World Wide Inc and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property law in the United States of America and by international copyright laws.