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70 Years of Success
Success Story Database

Over 70 years of success stories confirm that the tonic herb formula, JC Tonic, has helped people throughout the world regain their youth and vitality. Here are some examples. We continue to receive success stories as more and more people try JC Tonic. Try it for yourself on a daily basis and see what a difference it makes in your life.

What They Said Then

Sherbrooke - July 1, 1945
Dear Sirs:
As a very satisfied user of the tonic, I recommend it. I have had problems with my liver for more than 12 years, have felt exhausted, nervous and have had abnormal blood pressure. I am now feeling much better and am back to being myself thanks to the tonic. I recommend it to anyone, particularly to those who suffer from the same ailments I did.
(signed) Mrs. Romeo Labbe
214 Mc Manamy, Sherbrooke, Quebec

Sherbrooke - July 10, 1945
Dear Sirs:
The present is to inform you that I no longer suffer from stomachaches I had for a long time before I started taking the famous "Matonol" tonic. I have tried a lot of medications before without any results. It is then that someone recommended your marvelous tonic. I am very happy to recommend it to anybody that suffers from stomachaches.
My wife, who suffered from numbness of the arms to the point where she couldn't work anymore, also tried "Matonol", and after she had consumed three bottles, her numbness stopped.
M. & Mme Paul Mc Kinly, Sherbrooke, P.Q.

East Angus, P.Q. - August 2, 1945
Dear Sirs:
For the last five years, I was quite discouraged about my health. It is then that someone recommended "Matonol" and I will tell you frankly that I did not believe in it. This person insisted that I take it. To my great surprise after taking the second bottle, I was feeling a lot better. This "Matonol" tonic is marvelous.
Armand Gaulin, East Angus, P.Q.

Hull - May 31, 1946
Dear Sirs:
For the past six weeks I have had nose & mouth bleeds, day and night, five or six times a day. Since I have been taking the "Matonol" product I feel more rested and rest much better, and I took but only two bottles of my treatment.
I recommend "Matonol" to everyone that suffers from hemorrhages.
Hilaire Deschamps, 107, rue St Henri, Hull, P.Q.

Ste Brigitte des Saules - May 3. 1948
Dear Sirs:
I certify that "Matonol" treatment had a great beneficial effect for my wife, my brother-in-law, Alberticus Joyal, and my brother, Antoine Luziere.

As far as my wife is concerned, she was not able to work. She always had dizziness and bad digestion. My brother-in-law had a goiter that was very painful for two years. Since those three people have been on the "Matonol" treatment, they have come back to perfect health and they recommend the product to everyone.
I am very grateful towards the company.
Signed: Albert Luziere

St. Thomas - December 15, 1954
Dear Sirs:
I am writing to give you news about my mother who used your tonic and after 20 years that she was not able to wear shoes because her legs were so swollen and such a mess, and after having taken 14 of your bottles she is almost completely O.K. again. She can wear shoes just like everyone else and I must tell you that she is 72 years old and she thanks you very much for your tonic that she feels is just marvelous.
Yours truly,
Mrs. J. B. Couture

St-Adelme - December 27, 1954
Dear Sirs:
I took your tonic for my bladder and I am now perfectly fine and this tonic has been such a great service to me.
I can't thank you enough.
Mrs. Anselm Bernier

St-Adelme — March 24, 1954
Dear Sirs:
It is my pleasure to inform you that your famous tonic helped me. I had bad digestion and I was a nervous wreck all the time. My intestines did not work well for a long time and it was impossible for me to work. It was then that someone recommended that I start taking the tonic.
It is since that time that I am perfectly healthy, and I have ordered a lot of bottles for my friends who are very satisfied with this product as well. Now I am going to start actively selling the product in the spring.
Auguste Thibeault, St-Adelme, Cté Matane, P.Q.

St-Jerome - June 14, 1955
Dear Sirs:
To Whom It May Concern:
In April 1955, a friend suggested I use the tonic for blood purification. I witnessed an enormous change in my health. Now I am very happy and satisfied with that tonic and I strongly recommend it and I invite you all that suffer to use this wonderful tonic.
And I signed: Elzear Desjardins, St-Jérome, Cté Terrebonne, P.Q.

What They Say Now
Lenny, Colorado
At 23, I had the body of an 80 year-old man. I had tried many medications, creams, shots, went to physical therapy, and visited many specialists – all in vain! I was introduced to JC Tonic in April 1999, and when I began taking it my body immediately went the other way

Audio Testimonial
Janice, Saskatchewan
I began taking JC Tonic because of the pain in my knees, but then I began to notice other improvements as well. I started doing things that I had been putting off for 12 years. I now have more energy; I am handling stress better; my skin is softer; my body is toning up; my blood pressure is stable; and I haven't had a cold or flu in 1½ years. Life is good again! My body doesn't lie to me - JC Tonic works.
Find out for yourself!
Evelyn, Colorado
I first heard of JC Tonic in December of 2000 and it was an answer to my prayers. The tiredness of my eyes, as I awoke each morning, was gone and I sleep sounder, instead of tossing and turning. Also, the ache in my back is gone and the small broken veins in my legs are fading. My daughters say I look younger and my wrinkles have disappeared. I am the mother of 10 children and I have all of them on the tonic, along with my husband and he does not shake as much in his hands and his hair is getting thicker. He is 66 years old and I am 65. Anthony, I thank God for giving your dad wisdom in the formulation of JC Tonic.
Ruthie, Florida
I was disabled, tired, in pain, and thought that life was just a basket of worries. Within ten days of taking JC Tonic, my mood swings left and my hair thickened up. My body feels whole again, and I am a happy lady with a lot of energy.
Jean, Colorado
I have had chronic fatigue all my life, a heart murmur, female problems, and low blood sugar. After JC Tonic, I am excited to say no more fatigue or female problems, my low blood sugar is better, my skin is softer and younger looking, and I am more confident within myself and more focused in my mind.
Sandra & Carson, Arizona
Carson:  JC Tonic is unbelievable, We starting consuming it five years ago. My enlarged prostate has returned to normal, My eye site and eye pressure has improved, hearing is much better, Allergies gone, no more acid reflux, knee problems history and I feel great every day.
have had great results: no more colds and flu, no more high blood pressure, and no more night sweats and mood swings. I BEAT MENOPAUSE!!! We both have more energy, stronger nails, softer hair and skin. We focus better and feel less stressed out.
Betty, Bismarck, ND
My life has been positively influenced since receiving knowledge of this unbelievable JC Tonic! I have never felt this well!!! I do not get sick and I work long tiring hours in the critical care area of a busy hospital. The tonic is exceptional!
Samantha, Texas
In October 1992, I was involved in a motor vehicle accident, which resulted in injuries to my neck and lower back and constant pain in my back and legs. I was expecting to spend the rest of my life in a wheel chair, living with constant pain, exhausted, unable to think clearly or focus, always ill with whatever virus was making the rounds (repressed immune system). At the age of 41, I felt like I was 86 with no hope of improvement. After JC Tonic, the best thing that happened was that I was able to begin standing and then using a walker and eventually I was out of my wheelchair completely without a walker, without the canes, and I even now have been given back my drivers license.
Dave, Wisconsin
I don't have anymore acid reflux problems; there is no more hurting in my shoulders and legs; the ringing in my ears has declined; I don't have constipation anymore; I sleep better; I don't wake up at night; and I get a better rest. I have more sustained energy, but not hyper energy. I can work and think more clearly. I just have an all-around better sense of well-being. All this energy creates a much more positive attitude.
Cire Lee, Arizona
I am now seven years old, and I have always been more than two handfuls for my parents. If there was something for me to get into, I was there. I made "Dennis the Menace" look like an angel! At six years of age, my doctor placed me on medication. The medication made me feel as if I were not hungry; and I became extremely skinny after two months so my doctor prescribed me another medication that put me in la-la land. I was depressed and walked around like a zombie, still managing to get in all kinds of mischief.
The school I attended had to contact my parents on a regular basis, because I would hit other children and cause trouble. My grandparents did not like me taking medication, and urged my parents to end my use, so they did and began giving me JC Tonic to drink. I disliked the taste, so they put the tonic in my juice. Now, it changed things around for me. I was feeling things that I had never felt before, such as; not wanting to get into trouble anymore, I liked the idea of being good! I was having more fun and I liked who I was for the first time in my whole life! I attend a self-contained school, and have the same teachers as I did last year. This year, my teachers tell my parents that I have really made a turn around, and I am a pleasure to have in class. Imagine that, I am a pleasure! Isn't that great? Thank you!
Pearl, Florida
I have been taking JC Tonic since September 2000. At first, I was a little hesitant to take it. I attended a meeting about the tonic, and that did it! The varicose veins in my legs are less painful. I was having trouble with constipation. Since I have been taking the tonic, I have been regular. I also had a sinus problem and swelling of my feet. The tonic has helped to reduce the swelling, and I have not been bothered with sinus problems. JC Tonic does work. I do not want to be without it.s
Carolin, Wisconsin
Going through my change of life, I had no energy at all and had mood swings all day long. JC Tonic gave me constant energy and no more mood swings. It has helped my sleeping problems and my digestive problems. No more cravings for sweets and salty junk food. My skin has improved.
Ray, Wisconsin
Let me tell you about our young colt, Missy. She was born on June 11, 2001. We were weaning her, and one morning when I went out to do chores before going to work, she was lying on the ground kicking and rolling with a stomachache. This can cause her intestines to twist and cause death. Ray gave her a little JC Tonic, what he had out there, not knowing what caused her stomachache. We discovered later that she was eating pine trees that were along the fence and are very poisonous to animals. At 6:30 a.m., I went out and gave her 1-ounce of JC Tonic, alternately with water. I made her get up and walk until I saw her kidneys and bowels move. At noon, I gave her another 1¾-ounces of tonic and 1-ounce again at 4 p.m. She is fine. You be the judge of which is better: 4 ounces of the tonic, a $100 veterinarian bill, or a dead colt. Praise God for JC Tonic. We use it for everything, outside our bodies as well as inside, and for our ponies.
Earl, Florida
I was a Super Bowl Champion with the New York Jets in 1968 and I sustained many injuries during my football career. Taking JC Tonic has certainly helped with the pain from these injuries. It has changed how I approach life. It has helped me change my nutritional values and take my supplements on a daily basis. The tonic has given me much more energy, I feel much younger and I am participating in more physical activities. This product is awesome – I have achieved a total life change.
Tony, Nevada
"Did you follow through with the radiation that the previous doctor set up?" the doctor asked. "No, I did not." He asked why not? I said I didn't think that I had the problem anymore, and he retorted with a "yeah right". The doctor proceeded to put the camera down my nose to look at my vocal chords and take pictures. After a while he said, "I think you may be right."
Albert, Arizona
I have suffered from allergies for several years of my life, along with borderline cholesterol, and an enlarged prostate gland. I also had broken out with a bad skin rash on both of my ankles. No matter what kind of products I used rash would not go away. Nothing seemed to work for me, until I was introduced to J C TONIC!! That was the turning point. About three months later I noticed that my allergies were not as bad as before. That amazed me, because each year I used to have two allergy shots administered. I attended my annual physical check-up eight months later and was pleased to have such a positive outcome. My prostate gland was normal and my cholesterol was below the accepted level. I was so thrilled. My eyesight has improved noticeably, and I still can't believe that I am able to do some things without my glasses on. I am nearly 73 years of age, and have been drinking JC Tonic for a year and three months, and I still find things improving and moving right along.
Carroll & Betty, Arizona
Carroll - Age 75. Three years ago I was diagnosed with type II Diabetes and had controlled the disease by eating properly. Since taking JC Tonic my Diabetes remains level and I can even eat more ice cream.

Betty - Age 73. In 1998 I had quadruple by-pass surgery leaving me with little energy. I had used so many medications and herbs in the past 7 years with minimal results. I would also develop bronchitis in our travels to and from Arizona. In the first month after taking JC Tonic, I noticed a significant shift in my energy level. It was tremendous and it continues to get better. Within two months after taking JC Tonic, I was able to walk up and down a flight of stairs just like a normal person instead of having to take one step at a time. And now, without taking a sleeping aid, I have been sleeping like a baby!
Ivan, Arizona
My son, Ivan, has Attention Deficit Disorder. When he started school, he had a very difficult time being able to focus and was very hyper. Every day his teachers would complain that he would never stay still. The doctors wanted to put him on medication but I did not want my son on any meds. I decided to try JC Tonic for a month and could not believe the results. Not only could his teacher and his grandfather see the difference, I could see it too. My son has been using the tonic ever since, about 2-1/2 years now. I am a firm believer in JC Tonic and will never take my son off of it.
Marlee, Texas
One morning, my pancreas perforated and burst. I have been hospitalized close to 30 times. I never knew that a human being could be as sick as I was. When I got on JC Tonic seven years ago, it immediately started helping me. This tonic made me feel like I was a young woman again. I look like I'm in my 30's. No one would know I'm 64. I got a perfect record from my doctor. They are totally amazed. I believe without a doubt (and I have doctors to back me up) that I am alive today because of JC Tonic.

JC TONIC is a dietary supplement not a drug. Therefore, it is useful in effecting the structure and/or function of your body in various ways. However it is not intended to and will not cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease. Success Stories like those presented reflect truthful and actual experiences of individuals who have consumed JC TONIC and have chosen to express their opinion regarding its personal use and the positive results they have achieved. Their point of view however may not be all encompassing and does not constitute scientific evidence that JC TONIC will cause similar results in others including yourself nor are these statements representative of individual results you may anticipate. Jurak World Wide does not make any such drug or treatment claims for its products.
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