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Minerva, Colorado
JC Tonic is giving me so much energy that I wake up in the early morning ready for power walks. My husband, Frank, had to get on the tonic just to keep up with me. My skin is smooth and everyone wants to know what I am taking. People say I look great!

Erna, South Dakota
I am a 79-year-old lady and I have had poor health for a long time. I have had three by-pass heart surgeries, lithotriptor for kidney stones and angioplasty surgery. Since I have been taking the tonic, I have noticed my age spots disappearing, I am not as tired, my stomach has improved and my bowels are more regular. Thank you for this whole body tonic that is helping my family too.

Lottie, Wisconsin
I am 82 years old and have been drinking JC Tonic for four and a half months. I had a bad back and was in the Mayo Clinic three times. Some of the doctors were considering surgery because my bones were so very brittle. It was hard for me to get in and out of a car. Now that I have been on the tonic, I have no problem getting in and out of the car. My back is so much stronger now. I have more energy. Why? Because I sleep so much better. I had a buzzing in my ears and that has improved. I was losing so much hair that I was going bald in one spot in the back of my head and was in the process of getting a wig. Lo and behold, in about four weeks I noticed that my hair was coming in. I am blonde again and I love it. I rinse my hair with tonic in a little water and it feels so clean. Color has returned to my face. I usually get a cold this time of year but I did not. So many people were getting the flu, but not me. One more thing, I put a few drops of JC Tonic in the water for my geraniums and you should see the buds and my poinsettia will probably still be blooming for Thanksgiving. I will stay on JC Tonic for the rest of my life and I plan to live until I am 100.

Velicia, Wyoming
Since I have been taking JC Tonic, my bones don't hurt as much, and I have more mobility and energy. Before, I didn't absorb calcium, my thyroid was not good, and I was fatigued a lot. Since I have been on JC Tonic, I am able to bike ride with my two teenagers and dance and walk longer than before. My spine feels tremendously better. After 3 months of not seeing him, my chiropractor says he has never seen me adjust right the first time around (I used to see him weekly!) What a savings!
Now, I no longer need Prevacid at all. JC Tonic keeps the acidity normal. Wow! This is great! Don't ever stop making JC Tonic. The world needs this balancing tonic forever!!!!

Lucy Jordan-Thomas
Since I have started taking Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic, the swelling in my leg, ankle and feet have gone down. Also, I have a lot more energy, where I used to feel so tired and run down.

Steve, California
I have known Anthony Carl Jurak for over 13 years and the JC Tonic is the most amazing tonic that I have ever experienced. A definite increase in both mental clarity and physical energy has been the most dramatic changes that I have been enjoying. Thank you for continuing the Jurak legacy!!

Carroll & Betty, Illinois
Hello! Our names are Carroll and Betty, ages 73 and 75 years respectively, from Illinois and we winter in Arizona. In January 2005 we were introduced to JC Tonic by Carson Mansfield while he was at our County Store at Towerpoint Resort.
I am Carroll and three years ago I was diagnosed with type II diabetes and have controlled the disease by eating properly. I had crusty skin on my head and very thick and rough callous on my heals and feet. I had developed some skin hanging from the edge of my right eyelid, which obstructed my vision. Since taking JC Tonic, the hanging skin on my eyelid has reduced in size and my toenails are beginning to look pink again. A month after using JC Tonic, the crustiness is gone from my head and back. The diabetes remains level and I can even eat more ice cream.
I am Betty, a real skeptic. As I passed Carson's vendor table that day in January, I looked the other direction because I was determined Carroll would not get me on any more herbs. When I arrived home I found the bottle on the counter and I told Carroll very emphatically, "Don't try to get me on that stuff because I am not trying anything new." Within a month after noticing how the crustiness was gone from Carroll's head, I made the decision to start taking JC Tonic.
In 1998 I had quadruple by-pass surgery, which left me with little energy. I used so many medications and herbs in the past seven years with minimal results. I would also develop bronchitis during our travels to and from Arizona.
In the first month, I noticed a significant shift in my energy level. It was tremendous and it continues to get better. Within two months of taking JC Tonic, I was able to walk up and down a flight of stairs just like a normal person instead of having to take one step at a time.
Last summer I had been lying awake until 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. each night, so I began taking another product just so I could fall asleep. I'm happy to say that beginning in May, I stopped having to take the sleep aid and have been sleeping like a baby ever since thanks to JC Tonic!
We thank God every day for sending Carson into our lives and sharing this wonderful product with us. It has helped us feel younger and so much healthier.

Anna, North Dakota
My husband says I am the thinker of the family. It always takes me a long time to make up my mind. I’m told it’s the Norwegian in me! So, when my brother and sister-in-law started talking about this wonderful tonic they were taking, I put my “thinking cap” on.
They were so convincing about it and had all kinds of papers telling me many things about JC Tonic; I had no choice but to listen. When they left, I read all the information they had given me that night. We started out with the one box for both my husband and I, taking a half monodose a day to start. I started to feel a change within a few days. I was not as tired and for the first time in many years, I felt like getting out of bed in the morning.
After a week, I started to take a whole one each morning. I began to be more aware of what was going on, more alert! I also discovered I slept better at night. Instead of getting up to the bathroom every 30 minutes or so, I was now only getting up once or twice a night!
No one can tell me that JC Tonic has not helped me in more ways than one! I am going to take it as long as I can. I expect to see even more improvements, especially when the weather gets nicer and I can walk outside. I am a “heavy person” and expect (or hope) to drop some weight. I just had a birthday (56th) and find it is hard to loose weight at this stage of the game. We will see what I look like by the end of summer with God, JC Tonic and I. We are going to be a team to watch.

Danita, Michigan
I took my first dose of JC Tonic on a Saturday morning. I cannot say I “felt” any difference in 15 minutes, but I was so busy that day I did not sit down at all! I was running around cleaning the house, then ran to town for groceries and other errands, came home and made three batches of lasagna, cleaned the kitchen, because I trashed it, then went out to the barn, saddled up my mare and took her for a ride, came home and groomed all the horses, fed them, moved everything out of the barn and swept the floor and put everything back in, cleaned the tack room, including an old trunk I had full of miscellaneous stuff, painted a trailer, played with the dog, and came inside around 8:00 p.m.! I had not made supper yet, so I did that and I still felt wonderful! I had so much energy that I never got tired!
Each and every day since then, I have had a repeat of the same energy levels that I had that first time and I have been getting by with less than six hours of sleep each night, waking up refreshed and ready to go! I had been having stress headaches for several months, but ever since I started on the tonic, I have not had a single one and I used to have terrible cramps each month during my period, but I have not had a twinge of pain with that either.

Steven, Colorado
Hi, my name is Steven. After I was born and went home from the hospital, I suffered from sleeping disorders. I struggled to breathe, I lost my breath and I snored loud. I had to sleep sitting up in a bouncer seat for a very long time, with my mom by my side. After seeing homeopathic doctors, Chinese doctors, chiropractors, and having a few cranial adjustments (that's having your head worked on) over a four year period with some results but none that were lasting, my mom and I thought it would help to get my tonsils out. The appointment was made and I was so happy to think I might soon be able to get a good night's sleep.
Then a miracle happened. My mom was introduced to Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic. I had missed so much kindergarten due to sickness and being tired because of not being able to sleep at night, but when I started first grade, I made it almost every day because my mom gave me half an ounce of JC Tonic every morning before school to keep me healthy and happy. I am so glad I get a good night's sleep now and so is my mom. And now I have energy to go to school every day. I never did have to get my tonsils out. I'm eight now and for a year and a half I have been taking JC Tonic, and I don't plan on quitting. Thank you Mom, JC Tonic, and Anthony.

Susie, Colorado
I am so glad that I was introduced to JC Tonic. My energy level improved right away and my mental energy is grounded. I used to be like a wet noodle, ready to cry at anything. I still have everyday stresses, but I feel in control of them now.

Constance, Colorado
I started taking JC Tonic in October 1999. The first thing I noticed was that my mind was not so busy, and I was better able to focus on doing one thing at a time and finish what I was doing instead of running around and starting many projects but not finishing them. I can sleep better now. I used to wake up every two or three hours all through the night, and now I sleep through seven to eight hours without waking up even once. I am more rested and now I can sleep five or six hours and get up more energetic. I also noticed the age or liver spots on my face, hands, and legs were disappearing. My skin is a lot nicer now.
I used to be so tired all the time, but now I have enough energy to do my job and go home and not just crash on the couch because I am so tired. I have a lot of energy and endurance.
Thanks to God that Anthony’s father made this tonic, thanks to Anthony who made it for us, and thanks to Roger for his time with us.

Judith, Wisconsin
I have been physically challenged for 15 years with chronic lower back pain, headaches, sleeplessness, and chronic fatigue, just to name a few. I have been under chiropractic care for the past nine years, having to have adjustments three to five times a week. For the past two years, I have had to use a cane to aid in my walking and my walking was very limited as to how far and how fast. I was a mess. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired!!
I started to take JC Tonic and within 6 weeks I felt like a changed person, physically and emotionally. I praise God for that, and thank him for giving the formula to Anthony's father. Two hours after I took my first mono-dose of JC Tonic, I was able to walk down the block and back without too much difficulty. That night I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow and slept through the night, waking early in the morning rested, renewed, alert and with more energy than I have had in a very long time. I have no need or desire for daytime naps anymore. By the end of seven days, I was walking 10 blocks in a 20-minute period, twice, and some days three times, WITHOUT A CANE!!!
When I went to the chiropractor, one week after taking JC Tonic, he could not believe the difference in me. I could get out of the chair quickly, without difficulty and I walked lively, without the use of a cane and I climbed the stairs like a teenager. I even adjusted easier! Now I only have to go to him once every two weeks!
Since being on the tonic, I do not have headaches, which for years were a daily thing for me, no more sleeplessness, I have a lot more energy, I am more alert, my intense pain is gone, and my tiredness is gone. My blood sugars are under control, for the first time in 20 years, and I seem to notice new things happening each day. Happy and healthy I am becoming. For the first time in my life, when I look in the mirror, I like that person looking back at me. I have struggled with a poor self-image all my life, but now when I walk down the street or hallway and meet someone, I look them in the eye, smile and greet them, instead of hanging my head and looking at my shoes until they pass by me.
It is great to feel well and happy again. It has been a very long time in coming. Anthony, thank you for continuing the work your father began years ago. I am happy and excited to be on your team, sharing with others on how they too can be healthier and happier. God bless you!

Letter from Michael E. LaCourt, D.C. re: Judith Miller
Dear Sirs:
We write this letter concerning the apparent improved health condition of Judy Miller, our longstanding patient of years. We write this with her permission.
Judy upon entering our office presented with severe spinal distress. She was unable to walk well and needed the use of a cane as crutch. She also tolerated countless sleepless nights. We made comprehensive examinations and x-ray studies. Judy has endured muscle spasms as a protective mechanism. At times she was unable to come to our office.
Our treatment has been conservative in nature consisting primarily of specific corrective chiropractic spinal adjustments. We have met with some amount of moderate success, but Judy was still advised to maintain regular adjustments at a frequency of no less than once per week and often twice per week. She simply did not "hold" her adjustments well. She has also been unusually prone to aggravations and exacerbations from events that would not normally be harmful to someone like her, with a similar condition.
We have been aware that recently Judy has been making more remarkable progress than before and has needed fewer and fewer adjustments. At first we thought she had found an exercise regimen or changed her diet or had "behaved" with her activities. When we inquired of Judy what she had been doing she had informed us of the use and taking of your product as being the only change she had made.
Since we have working with Judy (spanning many years) we have never seen her in such a state of comfort for such a long period of time. She no longer relies on a cane as crutch. We also noticed that her chiropractic adjustments are "holding" much longer than before.
Judy no longer complains and she has her wonderful smile back on her face. We seldom note muscle spasms and we have found that her schedule of treatment with this office has been, necessarily, reduced. Her last adjustment was a month ago.
One can speculate through education and observe through symptomotology the far-reaching effects of a healthy nervous system. Since our bodies rely on our nervous system for coordination of all functions, a healthy nervous tissue is essential to every tissue cell and thus to the integrity of all body processes. Judy reports sleeping well at night. Her ability to be increasingly active is a huge stride in the healing arena. She is not home bound as was often the case in her history and driving is reportedly no longer a fear to her.
We have noticed a change of attitude with Judy. She always did maintain hope and faith; she now does so with an inspiring spring. The product she has been using has evidently and obviously helped her in many facets of her life. Judy has ignited this office into further interest of this product. If it an do all these wonderful things for her, then we are quite interested in what it may do for other patients as well. Judy has apparently found, after countless searches, the right product for her.

April, Colorado
I have been on JC Tonic for one month and so far I have noticed more energy, a better attitude, softer skin and an over all sense of well-being. I also lost 12 pounds.

Irene, Nevada
I am presently 27 years old and I have been drinking JC Tonic for approximately four and a half months. JC Tonic is the best thing that has ever happened to me! I am diabetic, so before I began using JC Tonic I was constantly tired and felt sick. I was always tired and I never wanted to do anything around the house. I just wanted to sleep. My diabetes medication would cause me to get really bad stomach pains and instead of making me feel better, it made me feel worse. There was always something wrong with me. I could not get my sugar levels under 300. Now, I have lost 15 pounds and I have a lot more energy. I love JC Tonic so much! I have both my parents and my grandmother drinking it and they feel absolutely great!
I also wanted to share a short story concerning my mother's Chihuahua. Her dog gave birth to three large puppies that were indeed too large for her small frame. The dog had a very hard time giving birth to these puppies and she wasn't expected to live through the birth. She didn't want to eat and she could barely walk. I advised my mother to try and give her some JC Tonic to see if that would help. My mother took my advise and the following morning the dog was running around like nothing ever happened.
Thank you Jurak Corporation and Anthony Carl Jurak for introducing me to JC Tonic. It is such a wonderful product! As Anthony says, "Take An Ounce And Feel The Bounce!"

Sally, Iowa
Since being on JC Tonic, I have been energetic, less irritable and eating healthy.

Helen, Canada
I now have been taking JC Tonic for 14 months, and my health has done a remarkable flip. I used to be sick all the time; I was constantly fighting colds, back pain, etc. My life was a living hell. It was a terrible struggle for me to do the things that I enjoyed; such as gardening, mowing the lawn, canning, and house work; it was even difficult for me to do any sewing, my hands were so painful; it was hard to walk, as I had varicose veins.
Most of these problems are now just memories, as I am feeling wonderful. I now have more energy than I had as a teenager; my health overall is fabulous. I don’t even get the sniffles any more. It is great to be alive again.

Mary, Montana
My name is Mary Murphy. I am 53-years-old and I have been taking JC Tonic for a little over 4 months. I was a little skeptical at first because I have tried other things with many claims, but I am older and a few more things are going on with my body. Besides menopause, I have lots of pain everywhere. I do not slow down for anything; too many things to do and things I want to try. I just deal with whatever pain comes up.
When I was losing energy and not wanting to do all that I can do I felt I needed to make drastic changes. A friend said I should try this tonic. I tried it for one month and noticed my joints weren’t so sore. I slept wonderfully and some days I just could have slept all day (which is a sign that the tonic is working, but unusual for me). It wasn’t just a sleep, it was a wonderful deep sleep with no dreams. I woke up full of energy and ready for the day. I could work all day long even into the evening feeling my old self. My daughter was amazed at how much I could get done. This is landscaping, digging, lifting – not normal women things unless you have help. I did not wake up sore and beat in the morning, it was like I had exercised and woke up ready to do it again. Fabulous feeling.
I was also doing 1-2 mile brisk walks and lifting hand weights etc. at 6:30 am before preparing for work. I am losing weight. I believe I could stand to lose 20 more pounds. I feel great about myself. My attitude it better and I can cope better with day-to-day stress. I love life and getting up in the morning.
A little funny story…I have beta fish that I’m sort of attached to. One was dying and I felt so bad I did not want to loose him. I put several drops of the tonic in the water every day for a week and the fish would just stay in that spot. Then about 7 days later he was swimming around frisky and excited to see me again. Now I have my cat on the tonic too.
I have also been horse back riding. Even though I haven’t been on a horse in twenty years I was not sore the next day. I am just amazed at this tonic.

David, Florida
I have a lot of energy, my cholesterol is normal, and my prostate is fine. I am glad we found JC Tonic. I am a healthy man again, and having lots of fun sharing JC Tonic.

Helen, Florida
Since I have been on JC Tonic, I have lost several inches and I have more energy than ever. My digestive system is working with ease and it has made me feel like a new woman.

Joanna, North Dakota
My name is Joanna Nelson and I am 81-years-old. I started taking JC Tonic on December 28, 2001. The first thing I noticed was extra energy. About two weeks after taking JC Tonic, the pain in my hip stopped. I can now walk downtown and climb stairs again. I have not taken any pain medication since.
Before using JC Tonic my legs were very weak. I could only stand for very brief periods of time, less than two minutes. Now I can do my normal activities and enjoy cooking, walking, bowling and participating fully in church services without additional support or having to sit down.
I have struggled with sinus problems for several years. After taking JC Tonic for the past three months, I can breathe much easier and now sleep a full night without the use of a humidifier.
I feel much more energetic and pain-free today. JC Tonic has been my miracle tonic!

Cheri, Arizona
In 1971 I was in a motorcycle wreck and sustained some serious injuries, including fracturing my skull. My entire right side was partially paralyzed and I had a lot of pain in my left hip. Headaches were unbearable. I took prescription medication and a lot of extra strength Excedrin.
I was introduced to JC Tonic almost 3 years ago, at which time I was using other herbs that helped my headaches a little and I felt somewhat better. I decided to try JC Tonic and start taking an ounce a day. I instantly felt improved energy, my thoughts were clearer and my balance improved some.
My husband, John, came across some vitamins that he insisted I try. They didn't cost as much so I figured I'd give them a try. I began waking up in a fog. I felt lethargic all of the time and I just didn't feel good. The person who introduced me to JC Tonic called me from time to time so I decided to go back on JC Tonic. I had more energy and the fog went away. Then my sponsor, Carson Mansfield, called and told me about a meeting that would be conducted here. My husband and I decided to attend and we were told to start taking two ounces of JC Tonic a day. I did and I can't believe the difference it made for me. My arthritis plain in my hip has lessened, my energy level is higher, my memory is better since my accident and skull fracture, my balance is better and I'm faster on my feet now. Mentally I am more alert and thinking clearer and faster. Also my night sweats and mood swings have disappeared.
I used to think people just felt worse as they grew older, but at 53, JC Tonic turned that around. Now, I feel like my motor has been tuned up and I'm feeling 40 again. My zip is back!
Thank you, Carson, for not giving up on me and thank you JC Tonic for giving me back my life!

Joseph, Colorado
Since I have been taking JC Tonic, I can exercise for lengthy periods of time and play basketball again. JC Tonic has increased my energy and I have never felt better. My gray hair has diminished, has gotten thicker, I have lost weight and people tell me I look younger.

Friar John Oderman, OSB (Order of St. Benedict)
I have taken Jurak Classic Whole Body Tonic for four years and have been given great benefits from the tonic. I have had heart problems for the last ten years and it is limiting my life. Until I started this great product I was keeping a very limited schedule. My energy level was very much compromised.
JC Tonic gives me energy to do my work. I have written two books. I make Crucifixes from tree branches and small branches of maple, thorn apple and oak. I am usually in my shop for hours and hours. Before taking JC Tonic, I was very limited to the time and energy I could spend on my projects. I know I have been given a great gift from God to do the work I was set out to do for others and to continue this mission. I want to thank the Jurak Corporation for making this possible. Thank you and please know we appreciate this wonderful product every moment of every day and your hard work and efforts to bring it to us.

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