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Success Story Database

Paula, Iowa
I'm a 39-year-old mother of three. I've been taking JC Tonic since December 2002. I have back and muscle problems. I'm starting to stand up straighter and it doesn't hurt to be touched anymore. My eyesight is getting better and I've maintained my weight since December when I lost fifteen pounds within a month.

Cindy, Florida
I have been on JC Tonic for three weeks. At night, my daughter and I both have allergies. She does not sound congested anymore and we both have a lot of energy. I, myself, sit at a computer all day at work. The muscles in my back used to be tense, like I needed a massage. Thanks to JC Tonic it helps relax my muscles and we both sleep much better at night and feel good in the morning.

Linda, Wisconsin
I have used several health products for years and I have found a few good products and a wonderful chiropractor, but after two weeks on JC Tonic, I felt so much better. After six weeks on the tonic, all of the skin pegs on my neck have disappeared, the fungus under my toenails has disappeared and my skin feels as young and smooth as it did 15 years ago. My muscles are lifting everywhere, the veins in my legs have greatly improved and my liver spots are disappearing. I feel just like I did in my twenties. I am 51 years old and feel wonderful. Thank you Debra, Anthony, Roger and Anthony’s father for making this possible. I will forever be grateful. Thank you.

Laura, Arkansas
The tonic has led me to have strength in my legs, which would hurt at night causing me to lose sleep. JC Tonic has relaxed my muscles and has given me the strength to build up my legs, my muscles, my arms and it helps my blood to flow better. Also, it has helped my hair thicken up and I sleep better at night.
My sight is clearing and it has just been a blessing. I take thyroid medication, but JC Tonic sure has helped it a lot, along with my blood pressure.
My husband, Eddie, had poor circulation. JC Tonic has strengthened his legs and muscles quite well, and has pulled down a lot of swelling out of our legs and feet. Also, the tonic does not keep us up at night, so we sleep and rest better. It has just done many great things.
JC Tonic has been a blessing. My daughter is taking it also and she is 33. I have two grandsons, nine and twelve, and they take it. We have nine in all and are all taking it. They love it! We are thankful for having a product like JC Tonic and we thank Phil Harris for introducing it to us.

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