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Success Story Database

Lyman, New York
I have been taking JC Tonic for 13 months. I had been suffering from headaches, heartburn, my hands, legs and arms going to sleep at the wheel (I'm a tractor-trailer driver), prostate pain, seven years of aches and pains throughout my body and shortness of breath when exerting myself on heavy jobs.
My sister introduced me to JC Tonic. When I began taking it I experienced less headaches in just two weeks. I also found the circulation in my legs and hands improving. I have no more pressure in my prostate now. That eliminates those nighttime urgencies to have to go --- and can't! I have more energy and I can eat spicy food I really love without having heartburn.
My family, friends and workmates call me the Tonicman. Look out Anthony!

Raymond, Wisconsin
I started using JC Tonic and about three weeks later I noticed substantial improvement in prostate condition (only one bathroom call per night as compared to three or four before); substantial improvement in night sleep pattern - awake in morning fully rested with more energy; normal bowel evacuation now as compared to constipation; skin feels more flexible and healthy.

Richard, Wisconsin
I hurt my right shoulder in 1993 and it was painful everyday of the week. I started taking JC Tonic and after the fourth day, my shoulder pain stopped and I can move it freely which I could not do for the past seven years. I am 58-years-old and also have had some prostate problems. I used to get up about three times a night to make a trip to bathroom, but after a week on JC Tonic, I only get up once a night and sometimes not at all.

David, Florida
I have a lot of energy. My cholesterol is normal and my prostate is fine. I am glad we found JC Tonic. I am a healthy man again, and having lots of fun sharing JC Tonic.

Albert, Arizona
I have suffered from allergies for several years, along with borderline cholesterol and an enlarged prostate gland. I also had broken out with a bad skin rash on both of my ankles. No matter what kind of products I used, the rash would not go away. I also had really bad back pain, even after having three surgeries over the past three years.
Nothing seemed to work for me until Carson Mansfield introduced me to JC Tonic! That was the turning point for me. I drank half an ounce daily for one week and from then on progressed to consuming one full ounce daily. About three months later I noticed that my allergies were not as bad as before. That amazed me because each year I used to have two allergy shots administered. I attended my annual physical check-up eight months later and was pleased to have such a positive outcome. My prostate gland was normal and my cholesterol was below the accepted level. I was so thrilled!
My eyesight has improved noticeably and I still can't believe that I am able to do some things without my glasses on. I am nearly 73 years of age and have been drinking JC Tonic for a year and three months. I still find things improving and moving right along. I am pleased to inform you that my back pain is no longer a concern of mine.
Thank you Carson Mansfield and Anthony Jurak for a renewed life.

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