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Kathy, Ohio
I recently met Lenny and Jean Atencio and went to lunch with them. I asked them what they did for a living and they told me that they were working out of their home. They gave me some samples of JC Tonic. I have an ulcer on my esophagus, a hiatal hernia and colon problems. Lenny told me to take half an ounce. I felt warm all over, like it was reaching every nerve in my body.
That same day I signed up as an Ambassador of Health. At that time I was taking every herb known to man. Lenny told me that I could go off them, but I was afraid, but I did it. I noticed that I think a lot clearer and it has regulated me. I feel like a new person. I have energy. My husband is thinking a lot clearer. My father-in-law is living with us and he has started talking. Not big conversations, but things like "good morning." My new son-in-law is sleeping all night due to the tonic. There are just lots of exciting things happening to us.
I was actually stuttering. I was thinking clearly, but it wasn't coming out right. I was afraid to carry on a conversation. I am amazed that the stuttering has gone away. I started taking two ounces a day and now I am down to one. Everybody that comes into my home, whether it be for dinner or just to visit, gets an ounce of JC Tonic!
I was used to taking almost 20 different herbs a day and now all I have to do is Take An Ounce And Feel The Bounce!

Toni, Colorado
For myself, I have noticed energy the instant I take JC Tonic. I have had problems sleeping and now I sleep a very sound sleep, wake up refreshed and willing to get up and go. Also, I have the ability to complete what I start and I look forward to drinking it everyday.
I am giving it to my son, who has a stutter problem and learning disability. I have noticed he is expressing himself more and a lot clearer, with little stuttering, and his lack of concentration has improved drastically to the point where he is eager to keep learning and reading, which for his disabilities he would shy away from, and now, at times, he falls asleep with his books piled beside him.
Also, I take care of my grandparents and have seen a drastic change in my grandmother, because she is still taking it. She has a lot more energy, sleeping a sound sleep, remembering a lot more, and able to function and walk a lot better than before. She used to be slouched over and now she walks with her head up.

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